A Snowy Thrifting Day

The snow is back.

I love it and can't get enough of it.

Snow birds.

A snowy frog.

Snow angel.

Even the spider is covered in snow.

This is the opposite of a hot seat.

A frosty feeder.

As cold as a witches....

Snow on a Christmas bell.

A cold angel.

Snow broom.

One thing I always look for at thrift shops are nice baskets. I rarely pay more than a dollar for them. I use them to make gift baskets for people.

I found these 2 crocheted watermelon pot holders for 1.00.

I love this bowl.

It has no markings but it is really beautiful. 2.50

And these are really cute.

There are strawberries in the center.

I have a thing for retro juice glasses. I only found 2 of these but I like to mix and match different patterns with juice glasses. 25 cents each

A divided pressed glass bowl.

A nice oblong ruffle edged dish...

..and a pair of matching square dishes.

An interesting little oval divided tray.

I am not sure what this is. It is very thick and heavy. I am guessing it is a vanity tray. 1.65

Sometime you really get lucky. This piece is cut glass not pressed and it cost a whole dollar.

A sweet little glass heart.

These 3 beauties cost 3.50.

And I found a bunch of pearls and jade to use to make bracelets. They were 99 cents each.

I think I need to form a chapter of Thrifters Anonymous.

*** Remember to enter the giveaway on the sidebar. I will pick the winner tomorrow and I will also be posting a new giveaway!


TMCPhoto said…
can I just say that I love your garden? I'd love to have one like it one day. All the little sculptures and nooks and crannies, thank you for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I love the snow pictures. I wish I lived where it snowed. Looks like you found some great things at the thrift store. I know what you mean about thrifters anonymous. Sometimes I worry I might end up on hoarders someday!
What a beautiful Celtic cross! Love it! I really like all the china You show today too! I´m glad I don´t have the space, otherwise I would be overflown with china here :-) :-)

It was -13F when I woke up this morning, but it had sunken down to -17F during the night! This is way to cold for me! I don´t care that it is really beautiful with all this snow and frost, I want a heat wave now :-) :-) But It won´t come this night I´m afraid. It´s already down to -9F.
Have a great day now!
Sharon Day said…
Wow--a REAL snow angel! The glass is amazing--looks like ice creations you find outside. Strangely mirroring your world right now in the wintertime. I agree about baskets. I'm a theme-gift giving person, so I tend to hang tons of baskets overhead in the garage and pull them out when I need them and fill with a theme. The theme could be lemon and honey or cucumber scents or all things made with green tea, whatever I think reminds me of that person. I think most people love to get lots of little doo-dads to tinker with than one big thing, so it's fun to watch them get all excited. My favorite one I made recently was Under the Tuscan Sun with the movie and book and some yummy Tuscan foods and wine. That was a very special gift, but so much fun to put together. Strangely, it was exactly what this friend needed at this changing time in her life... I can't wait to see what's next at the thrift stores. You're like my favorite "channel" to watch!
AndrĂ©ann said…
No I want to get to a thrift store and it's all your fault!
Me thinks, me should move to the land of great thrift. :-) Absolutely the bestest winter garden pics. Through your photos I travel for a brief moment to the garden of snow and ice and beautiful treasures. Thanks for the journey blog sis.
Suzie said…
I love your gardens in any season .Autumn REALLY shines, but I have to say that I also favor it in winter when it brings out all of the architectural lines, and the contrast between the dark textures and the white snow is SO striking!

More beautiful finds! Are you getting everything from one shop? It must be huge, and have a lot of people contributing. Or a few people with a lot to contribute! And what you find is amazing! We don't have any sort of selection around here. It is so much fun to see what you discover!
brokenteepee said…
The cut glass is hard to come by anymore. How grand for you...YOU should open the thrift shop only call it a Glass Emporium and you can charge more. Bwahahahaha!
Cold as a witch's . . . what? LOL!
You have a great thrifting eye. You find such wonderful stuff and at great prices. Love all the glass, I'm a dishaholic also.
Lucie Le Blanc said…
Thrifters Anonymous lolll I really would like to know where you find all that really beautiful glass. I am jealoussssssss ! lolll
Your jade looks like aventurine to me. Is it possible ? It is a nice shade. Will be beautiful ;)
Unknown said…
Beautiful snow pictures, I have lived only in California and Florida my whole life and have never seen snow like that. What on earth will you do with all of your finds? surely by now you have filled every nook and cranny with your amazing treasures.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Just moved from Texas coastal way up Nor'East (to Georgia...)
Nice, to have Four Seasons now...

Slainte, Lady!

Mother Moon said…
you always find such wonderful treasures.... looks like I need to plan a trip up north simply to find all the bargains... yet I a bit of a glass whore.... love all the photos... as usual
Bridgett said…
Oh, I love that non-pressed glass...so gorgeous!