Treats for Teddy and Salem Houses

Look what came in the mail for Teddy! Halloween treats from her friend Lil' Teddy in California!! When Teddy really likes something a lot she sort of grunts when you put it in her mouth. She grunts each time I give her one of these. My kids tried to eat them when they saw them. Teddy would not have been happy if they did. Thank you so much Lil' Teddy and Kary!!!

I thought you might be interesting in seeing some of the houses of Salem. Besides the cool witchy area, Salem is quite a gorgeous town and has wonderful old homes.

A typical Salem street.

Look at the pitch on this roof!

Having a big old Victorian myself, I shudder to think of the upkeep on these behemoths.

Some people go all out with their decorating.

Some just have year round Halloween colors. Notice the color on the front door.

This is one of my favorites.

This has a very unusual widows walk on it's roof.

Look at the size of these chimneys.

I could really have fun picking out colors and deciding what to gold leaf on this beauty. Oh the things I would do with this one. Victorian color combos are one of my areas of expertise.

I love the fences surrounding these homes.

Multi-paneled windows......yes!!!

Another bad choice of colors for what could be a spectacular house.

I want an ivy covered brick house.

I love this one but it confuses me. Why no shutters on the lower right? And why is there a cornice around the upper left window but not the upper right? Why??? I need to know these things to sleep at night.

Look at the dental coins on this one. Again, I think this could be gorgeous in more daring colors.

Ahhhh...perfection. Notice that this is almost exactly the same house as the previous picture but this one is brick and does not have the coins.

This is also a mirror image of the above picture but this one is covered in ivy.

I like the contrast between the framed house and the brick garage.

I also like the way the town has preserved the old trees that line the streets. They add such ambiance.

This is another interesting one. Which side is the addition. I am guessing the part to the right. It's an interesting incorporation for the entryway.

And here is another of the same houses in brick but painted white. It's amazing how many of these were built and how people have managed to make them look so different.

This is one of my favorites. It sits sideways to the street. The front door faces it's driveway. And once again it is a duplicate of the others.

*One more day to enter the giveaway by clicking on the Teddy's Treats buttons on my sidebar. I will be posting a special Halloween giveaway tomorrow.


happy to see Teddy's Halloween treats made it all the way from california in one piece...and happy that she is enjoying them....

i would take ANY of those houses...i LOVE all of them...

oh, that house in Halloween heart skipped a beat...john was standing over my shoulder...he LOVES them too....

i love the old trees and the wet streets filled with leaves...

happy eve of halloween eve

kary and l'il teddy
Robin Larkspur said…
I think that house with no shutters on one side, is a duplex owned by two different people, one with pride of ownership, and the other just not into it. And also, that widow's walk is more like a widow's gallop! imagine taking laps around the roof top!! Especially with your broom and pointy hat on!!!!
What fabulous homes. It has been so long since I was in Salem I've almost forgotten what it was like. These are wonderful but please get in the kitchen.
I am so happy to become a subscriber to your post! However by doing so I took away your magical Halloween number of subscribers of 666, I am now number 667. Hope that doesn't bode ill for Halloween. I love all your pictures of the areas you visit. Living in California and pining away for seasons and an English way of life your posts help sooth my restless spirit. If we could live anywhere we would live in Devon England however running an animal shelter means it wold be a bit difficult to get 50 cats across the ocean! We are looking to move somewhere in the Smokey mountains in the next couple of years (we'll se how the $ goes). Our goal is to buy an old farm and restore it into an animal sanctuary that is also an event center (I am an event designer). I am writing to see if you have any suggestions of your favorite areas? My husband and I loved Asheville as it was beautiful and not quite such a deep freeze in winter and not too muggy in summer. Would love your thoughts if you have a moment (which you probably don't!). Anyway thank you for your delightful blog, will visit often!
Tricia (
Anonymous said…
I love looking at houses on Your side of the ocean! Really different but very similar too :-) The houses in the third and fourth photo could actually be found in some of the smaller towns around here.

Have a great Halloween!
Those treats are so adorable! I wish they had things like that for kitties.

And those homes in Salem are beyond gorgeous ♥
Anonymous said…
Oh Teddy you are a lucky girl to have such friends ☺
Love those houses Jaz and my fav is the one that is not painted well ☺ but I too would choose a different colour .
all the autumn colours are beautiful though ☺
we go look at yet another place tomorrow ;-)
lov rox
Guillaume said…
Lovely pictures. Salem is a beautiful place, but it has such a sinister, bloody history! Pretty much all those houses deserve to be haunted.
How wonderful of Teddy Sweet Face and Kari to send Teddy Red Fluffs Halloween treats. They are so "Halloweeny"....which I love.

Salem is certainly filled with the New England style home. Big and beautiful, and I'll bet some of them have large gardens too.


xoxo to Teddy Red Fluffs!
Love the Teddy Treats!

These homes are gorgeous - so much room too. I could not imagine having that kind of space to roam in a house. Thanks for sharing your Salem tours!
caryn said…
If any of those houses is in the designated historical part of Salem, then very little on them can be changed without approval of the Historical Society. Historical Societies are seldom very approving of traditional Victorian color choices even though those colors would be much more correct than plain white. Several people I know have run into this kind of trouble and were not allowed to paint their houses an unusual color even though they could prove that the house had been painted that color when it was built.
Did you see the black house with the gargoyles?
brokenteepee said…
Lucky Teddy!

You know of course the ivy is very damaging....
Ann said…
Teddy got some pretty fancy treats there.
Love those houses but I can't imagine having to keep all those windows clean.
Did you also notice that the window above the right door (in the photo of the uneven, sleep-depriving house) is missing its right shutter? Just thought you'd like to know. :P
I'm thinking about visiting Salem on Nov. 1st, but I can't remember which shops are open year round. Hmmm. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Happy Halloween!
Anonymous said…
My dog is jealous of Teddy's sweet treats and I am jealous of those beautiful homes! You are making me SURE I will be ion Salem for a vacation next year!
Divaeva said…
My Aunt lives right down the street on Hawthorne Ave from your favorite house...what a beautiful area! I also recieved my fanastic package today THANK YOU! I have pictures and will be posting it's fabulousness on my blog!
BelladonnasJoy said…
My favorite is the one you like best. I can't get over how huge these places are. Ideal B&B's?

It's wonderful for Teddy to get treats in the mail. That's awesome!!

Thanks again for sharing.
Laura said…
those houses are all so beautiful! thanks for sharing them with us. hi to teddy for me!
Beautiful homes! What a wonderful old town. I bet Teddy is very happy with her treats!
Sharlene T. said…
Teddy is one lucky girl! Her very own Halloween cookies. Yummy. Have a happy holiday.
Teresa said…
They certainly are beautiful homes. It amazes me how big they are!
I Wonder Wye said…
gorgeous houses! I want to visit Salem - always have...natch as a 'witch.' I don't understand all the windows on that white house with the red door, though. A lot of those houses didn't need decorations at all to look slightly sinister.....