Dump Trump


Kris said…
Yesterday's pipe bombs left me gut-punched, breathless and nearly as paralized as the 2016 election. But I will not flinch again and am doing what I can to get out the VOTE! Let this be a GALVANIZING moment for us all. VOTE VOTE VOTE
That swastika one says it all.
bobbie said…
Amen!!! And I agree with Debra about the swastika one...
Great ones as usual!

It is so important that You Americans goes to vote!

Guillaume said…
There's no need for two Bibles. Trump is a perfect representation of a righteous godly man like say Lot: ready to pimp his own daughters and incestuous.
Helen said…
Thanks, I 'borrowed' a couple. Maybe we're all 'smokin' weed and will wake up and find it was a hallucination. Unfortunately not. We as a country better wake up now.