We made our weekly trip to Amish country yesterday.
As we drove through the mountains, we could see even more leaves changing just one week later.
Though we are still having bright warm days,
The nights are cool and you can see the fog floating like blankets over the valleys. I was very excited because I was sure we would find our first pumpkins of the season on this trip. We stopped at market after market and there were no orange orbs to be found. My daughter was becoming concerned over how disappointed I would be going home pumpkinless. Oh ye of little faith!
As we rounded the corner and caught sight of our favorite market, what should we see but a gaggle of smiling pumpkins waiting to come home with us!
And home they came.
Along with a few mums and some sunflowers.
The W's were very happy to see them. Once Willie realized they could not be eaten, he decided to call them his friends.
Notice how much bigger Willie is than Winnie? Don't tell Winnie though, she thinks she is the boss.
After a while, Wilie became bored with this whole pumpkin thing.
He asked if I brought him anything home to eat.
Nothing cuter than a couple of chow chows bookended by pumpkins.
Unless you get the rear view.
Let Fall Begin!!!
As we drove through the mountains, we could see even more leaves changing just one week later.
The nights are cool and you can see the fog floating like blankets over the valleys. I was very excited because I was sure we would find our first pumpkins of the season on this trip. We stopped at market after market and there were no orange orbs to be found. My daughter was becoming concerned over how disappointed I would be going home pumpkinless. Oh ye of little faith!
As we rounded the corner and caught sight of our favorite market, what should we see but a gaggle of smiling pumpkins waiting to come home with us!
And home they came.
Along with a few mums and some sunflowers.
The W's were very happy to see them. Once Willie realized they could not be eaten, he decided to call them his friends.
After a while, Wilie became bored with this whole pumpkin thing.
He asked if I brought him anything home to eat.
Nothing cuter than a couple of chow chows bookended by pumpkins.
Unless you get the rear view.
Let Fall Begin!!!
Yes leafs are changing but it is still warm and huimidity is sky high here. They say it'll turn now but I'l l believe it when it happens :-) :-) Lots of mushrooms though so autumn is here :-)
Have a great day!
ANd you have pumpkins. All is right in the world.