What Do All Of These Things Have In Common

 I adore Stephen Webster and I have a few of his pieces.  There are none I love as much as his seven deadly sins line.
 He is such an artist and makes the most detailed pieces.

 I find these all to be some of his most unique creations.

 As I sit and watch the world closing around me, I thought I would look at something to take my mind off of it.

 Everything is so crazy these days.

 I'm just taking it one day at a time.


So, maybe this will take your mind off of it for 5 minutes too.

Though I have none of these rings,

I did just buy these guys to hang in my woods.

Oh...and what do these all have in common?  Trump possesses every one of the seven deadly sins.


Susan said…
What absolutely stunning rings! We must be thinking along the same lines, sort of. I just bought a bottle of Seven Deadly Zins.
These are so great! Very creative.
Marcia said…
Beautiful rings but some not very practical like the Pride one. I'd be afraid the points would be snapped off.
Trump is an idiot. He's been exposed to coronavirus yet is not quarantined as CDC says to do. If he's contagious without symptoms which is highly possible think of all the staff at the White House he is exposing.
Mary said…
I agree not practical to wear but as works of art, beautiful. I will take Lust please! I take the weekend off from thinking about trump. My brain needs some down time from the crazies!
Well jewelry has never been my thing but I do like the colorful stones. I've never understood why people likes diamonds when there are so many other colorful and beautiful stones to chose instead.

You're right about Trump, he does possess them all.

Have a great day!

Leanna said…
Wow, absolutely strange how he has them perfectly arranged. Yes, Anus Tangerinus is every single sin and maybe a few we haven't heard of before. But give him a little more time and before he leaves the White House they will show up.
the rings are gorgeous. i love lust best of all. but wrath and pride come in a close second. enjoy.
Trump has all these sins in abundance.
Valerie said…
Wow, amazing work! It was a thing in college to remember all of the deadly sins. And the seven dwarfs.
chickpea678 said…
Wow, these are not my style at all and yet, they are amazing creations! I loved gluttony and envy. It was weird how the work summoned such negative qualities but were beautiful...it was attraction and repulsion together at the same time!