After a long day of work in the gardens, I picked up my camera and took a walk to document where I am for the middle of May. Somethings are doing really well while others are off to a slow start. (click any pic to enlarge)
We seeded the upper lawn earlier this year and it did so well that we are now working on the area around the pool. It's a bit difficult to do this when you have fat little puppy paws stomping on it.
My husband cut out some old stumps by our fountain and I am using these 3-tiered planters in the empty spots. I'm trying to decide what I want to plant below the ferns.
I planted hostas between the other areas. This year they will look a little sparse but next year they should fill in nicely.
We are removing lots of limbs from the main trees down here. I have a big project happening here hopefully by the end of the summer. It is still in the planning stages.
I'm still working on the perrons. I am happy to see that I have both sweet william and wild strawberries growing across many of these steps.
Boxwood trimming will be happening soon. Here you can see my climbing hydrangeas growing among my boxwood and they are about to bloom.
We seeded the upper lawn earlier this year and it did so well that we are now working on the area around the pool. It's a bit difficult to do this when you have fat little puppy paws stomping on it.
I wintered over all of my herbs in the garage and now they need to be cut back because they are all starting to bloom.
My husband cut out some old stumps by our fountain and I am using these 3-tiered planters in the empty spots. I'm trying to decide what I want to plant below the ferns.
I planted hostas between the other areas. This year they will look a little sparse but next year they should fill in nicely.
There aren't many areas where I'm not planting. This is part of where the cottage garden will eventually be.
I've added ferns and some black pussy willows around the witch shed. It's quite a challenge planting around the root system down here.
We are removing lots of limbs from the main trees down here. I have a big project happening here hopefully by the end of the summer. It is still in the planning stages.
I'm still working on the perrons. I am happy to see that I have both sweet william and wild strawberries growing across many of these steps.
This is the entrance to the gazebo as you walk back up to the upper garden. As I was planting it, I dug up sandstone pavers that have been buried for years. I will use them to create a path from the perrons to the gazebo.
I do like that rose!
I don't dare putting out anything more delicate yet since we can have frost as late as june sixth here.
I really need more ferns, well a tour to the forest might help me with that :-) :-)
Have a great day!