


GREAT! Especially the first one.
If moderate Republicans can't rid the party of Trump and his followers (and I suspect they can't), they should form a new party and split the Republican vote, defeating Trump that way -- for the good of the country.
All good as always and the Republican party can't be saved, those strill not insane should start a new party I think. Not that I would like that party either but it would be better than how it is now.

Mike said…
The first one says a lot. Someone's simplistic solution can cause 10 times as many problems as they think they are solving.
Guillaume said…
Stephen King is spot on.
Unknown said…
I so agree with Stephen King. Isn't it wonderful to have a president who actually smiles and tells the truth instead of spewing hate and lies all day every day?
Valerie said…
It is unbelievable that in 2021 women are still fighting for the right to control their own bodies. Lock and load, sisters!