Basement Progress

I took a walk down to the guest house on Saturday morning.  It is so hot here that there is steam rising from the ground that makes these pics look hazy.

Though the ponds and creek sound cool, they do nothing to actually cool anyone off.

The lower pond still has no fish because I occasionally see the blue heron checking it out.

I had my mason pour a slab at the end of my stone counter so I can place the Big Green Egg grill on it.  It's been on my driveway and I rarely use it because it sits in blazing sun.  Placing it here in the shade will make using it much more pleasant.

My mason will be building a stone base and seat this old cement laundry tub on it.  I've added plumbing so I can have a sink with hot and cold water out here.  I've had an outdoor sink for years and I use it so much that I thought it would be wonderful to have one down here too.  I'm going to have him build a stone counter on either side of it.

The new ceiling fans are in place and the front porch lights have been taken down and are at the shop being cleaned and painted. This porch never has sun on it and rain doesn't come in either so it's always cool and never wet which makes it a favorite chow chow place to lay.  Sometimes we have trouble getting The W's to leave and come up to the main house.

A definite downside to a project like this is the mess.  There are 12 workmen here at any given time and the house is a horrible mess.  I was trying to clean it weekly and then I just gave up.  I'm going to have the interior painted and the hardwood floors redone so I'll just add hiring a cleaning company to that list and let them do it at the very end.

New lights installed inside each front door have proved to be miraculous.

A door to the closet under the stairs. I am keeping these very simple without hardware so they blend into the wall.
Floor tile is happening!

I'm using a very traditional basket weave tile because it will look best with my vanity. The shower will be done in white subway tile with black grout.

The boiler room doors are in place too.

I blew a fuse so I couldn't get a good pic of this dark area but my mason did a fabulous job on this wall.  I am going to have an extra refrigerator in this area.  

The patio as seen on the way back up to the mother ship.


Cleaning done at the end of the project will save you having to clean so much all along. I don't blame you.
Valerie said…
I love seeing the progress of all your projects! It's so hot here, I get the vapors just thinking about being outside!
Mary V said…
I agree clean after projects finished. Why bother…
Marcia said…
You've done a lot of work! Is this going to be available as an AirBnB?
I do like to follow the progress of the basement!

One never really understand how much one missed light until it's installed :-) :-)

I do like that creek and some day in the future I'll make one here too, too fdlat here to make it look as good as Yours though.

Have a great day!

Guillaume said…
How I wish I had a basement like yours. And lovely pictures, as always.
Leanna said…
The pictures of the creek look magikcal with the mist. I love it.
I can't wait to see the final look. So much work going on there.