My Daughter started her decorating the moment Thanksgiving was over. After 38 years of decorating for my kids, I really get a kick out of seeing them decorated their own homes.
This is cousin Eddie kicking the bosses butt from Chevy Chases Christmas Vacation. She and her husband collect things from that movie. That's Eddie's RV in the background.
Before my kids were born I bought a Z model train in Germany intending to set it up for the holidays. I nevr did and it sat in a brown bag in a closet until last year when I gave it to The Chef. He built this platform for it and they have it set up in their bedroom.
This is Chevy Chase's station wagon bringing home the tree.
Clark Griswold's house.
My Daughter has nightlights all over her house too. These project things on the walls.
Click for a closer look at the decorations.
The Chef was telling some of the people that work in his kitchen that he lives in a Christmas house. They were laughing and he said, no, I REALLY live in a Christmas house. He is right.
And then she put up the tree.
I too have a z train set and I was planning on setting it up this christmas but since Alma tends to eat anything she can reach I'll let it be until she stops with that habit :-) :-)
Have a great day!