More Snow On The Way

We have more snow on the way!  It makes me miss living in Canada.



Marcia LaRue said…
Never been to Canada, but these memes are too funny!!
Oh, I've done my fair share of "Canadian breakdancing" over the years! Ouch!
I got some good laughs here :-) :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Susan said…
Canadian landscape is beautiful. Seaside cliffs, quaint harbors, farm open lands, fantastic city centers. Deep snow!
Mike said…
I did some Canadian break dancing all the way down my driveway to the street one time. We don't get much ice here so I was a novice.
Guillaume said…
I didn't kwow you lived in Canada. I want to be back in Québec. I miss the snow.
Sparkless said…
I'm in Canada and there are places in the US that are way colder than where I live and get way more snow even though they are farther south. funny memes though.
Leanna said…
These are still funny. I love them all.
I did lots of breakdancing in 1993 when the South had a blizzard. Now, I would seriously injure myself!
LOVED these. just what I needed to smile this morning.
Rain said…
LOL I've done the breakdancing too. I LOVE that idea with the toboggan, I wonder if it would work or they just posed for the photo??? I don't think my snowblower is hefty enough!