
This happened, live, on Russian state TV news tonight.
The woman with the sign - Marina Ovsyannikova - is reported to be a producer of the show.
Her sign reads, “No war…Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.”
She may have just sacrificed her life to bring the truth to her countrymen.



Mary V said…
The death of an American and 15 miles from Poland what is the USA going to do now! Poland is a NATO member this idiot wants a war with everyone. This guy is a friend of trump….
Yes, a true hero! I hope they don't make her suffer too much but I am not hopeful.
Marcia LaRue said…
She is already in court and will probably spend 15 years in prison! Fined 30,000 rubles but no indication she will be in prison! Just heard this on MSNBC.
Putin has to be stopped however that comes about!
She is indeed brave. She had made a video before she did this where she tell why she did this and that she's ashamed of all lies her government demanded her to tell while working for that channel.

Guillaume said…
True hero. And Putin and his regime are a bunch of bullies.
Susan said…
The world depends on heroes like VZ and this newscaster. Today, we know what real leadership is.
I am thankful for the Ukrainians that she is sacrificing herself to help, not only the Ukrainians but her own Russia.
Kay said…
I was so amazed to hear this. I’ve also heard that it’s making an impact around Russia.
DrumMajor said…
Gosh! Totally kind letter from Zelensky. This leader redefines leadership! Linda in Kansas
Unknown said…
Every day I have a new respect for Zelenskyy. With everything he has on his plate and he still made time to pen that letter. He's a fearless leader, but also a remarkable human being. I would hope that producer doesn't see any jail time as she is a mother, but Putin is crazy right now so I don't have much hope she won't.