


Valerie said…
Great line up. The last one was particularly apt.
Mary V said…
Leonard Bernstein is trying to re write…I fell pretty ,oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay. Oops can’t say that !
All so right and all so horrible!

Unknown said…
That 1st one is so cute. And yeah, eff you Ted. That 2nd one is so funny, yet so true and so scary. Benstraight had me laughing so hard. Trust me, if DeSantis could he'd change it to Benstraight in a heartbeat. Idiot!
Kathryn said…
Good morning!

Ever so grateful I don't watch TV.💙💛
DVArtist said…
I love this post. So right on.
Guillaume said…
I had missed that one. Love Pepeprmint Patty.