Just in Case You Missed These



DVArtist said…
These are all very good. I am so sick of these guys. Did you read what matt gaetz said? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/matt-gaetz-says-pro-choice-women-who-look-like-a-thumb-dont-need-to-worry-about-getting-pregnant-video-rant-shows/ar-AAZUohk?li=BBnb7Kz
We are so screwed when the "maga" party takes over. Oh hell we are screwed now.
Guillaume said…
He's a cowardly little bitch.
Unknown said…
Just another in a long line of cowardly GOP pigs who need to go.
Theresa N. said…
He's a joke all over the world!! I can't believe people voted for him!!