Way to go Kansas!


Yes, good news from Kansas!
Mary V said…
Way to go Kansas, people who know it is a personal choice. Not to be made by someone who has their own agenda. My husband says if you are really pro life, whey are there any children in the foster system?
Mike said…
Republicans are pro-fetus, not pro-life. Once you're born, you're on your own.
Leanna said…
I was watching the returns on TV and I almost cried when I saw what Kansas did.
DrumMajor said…
Cool cartoon entry! Yep, even as a Democrat in Kansas, we were SO glad we won, but are still stunned at the numbers. So many voters changed to Unaffiliated, or registered for the first time as Unaffiliated; those voters helped ALOT! If left to the majority of voters, Roe would be returned to a national right. Hope it doesn't take 50 years to get the ratio of politicians turned around. Just read an article that explains how med students, and residencies in OB/Gyn will have trouble receiving the needed training in states with horrid restrictions, or risks for the docs. Linda in Kansas
Unknown said…
The people in KS give us hope for the mid-terms in November. I sure hope they show up in huge numbers. We cannot have Kari "shallow" Lake in Arizona nor "Tootie whatsherface" in Michigan.