Old Boomers



Bee Haven Bev said…
I love this! So many years…so many lyrics…the soundtrack of our lives. Also…the best music generation!
Isn't "old" redundant in your blog post title?
This very old boomer could not read the poster, even when I embiggened it! So, I had to find it elsewhere. I love this and remember all those songs.
bobbie said…
I remember all these songs ~ definitely the soundtrack of my life!!
Leanna said…
It's amazing how many great songs were written during our early lives. I have to say I believe that the last 80 years have been the best most exciting time ever in history.
Guillaume said…
People tend to forget that older generations had experiences too and they are worth remembering. I find the expression "OK boomer" so demeaning and arrogant.
DrumMajor said…
Maybe knowing all of those tunes makes me feel oldish, but as a born and bred Okie, with Boomer Sooner smashed into my head, I find the recollections cute. What an adventure we had with the turntables! Linda in Kansas
Carol said…
Will anyone wax poetic about the current music?
Mike said…
How many total song references?