Fish Sandwich Season Begins

As I mentioned the other day, I live in the heart of Lenten Fish Sandwich country and Lent begins today.  The bar/restaurant that serves the one above sells over a thousand sandwiches today and then every Friday until Easter.

They always come with fries or chips (chips or crisps) and most often a side of coleslaw.  Each place that serves these tries to win the 'Best Fish Sandwich' award. We noticed that prices for these sandwiches has almost doubled this year along with everything else.  This one, with blue cheese slaw, costs $12.00 which is now about average.

 However, they are ginormous!  I intend to sample as many of them as I can!


Mary V said…
Good for you, I love a good fish sandwich. Although $12.00 seems like a lot! After all its not a lobster roll.
Marcia LaRue said…
I would eat any one of those for breakfast ... LOL
Guillaume said…
And they call that fasting...
I have never had or wanted a fish sandwich. But, they are huge.
Megs said…
They look amazing!
Unknown said…
Yum, that looks delicious. Sample a few for me while you're at it. We'll be eating fish sandwiches or some kind of fish every Friday until good Friday. We're okay with that. Even better if it comes with a delicious coleslaw.