The W's

We finally made it through the 6 months of puppy rehab because of their acl operations and both were doing very well.  Until this past Monday when Winnie was walking down the sidewalk and stepped off into a grassy area right onto this.  It went through her foot and came out the top and then into her leg and ran up her leg bone.  I heard her screaming from 3 blocks away.  We grabbed her and drove straight to the vet where they had to knock her out to remove it.  Now she is on strong antibiotics that make her very sick but she has to take them to prevent infection. This was a very old dirty/rusty piece of metal.It was very traumatic to say the least.
And this little boy came up lame on his front right leg yesterday so I am off to the vet this morning.  Just shoot me now!


Linda said…
Aw, man! What a bummer deal for all of you. I can imagine the pain and screaming. Hope she gets better soon.
Linda said…
Maybe you could get a strong magnet that runs across the yard to find any other metal. That was a horrific wound!
Exactly how long was the metal? What is that beside the piece of metal? You probably need respite from your caregiver duties by now.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
it wasn't in my yard. it was blocks away in grass next to the sidewalk. it is 5 inches long and that is the tube the doctor put it in so i could see it. i do need a vet break!
whynotgrl67 said…
How awful. I hope she heals up quickly! Poor sweet doggie …
DrumMajor said…
Keep us posted! I'm wondering if he is just mirroring foot pains for her. Linda in Kansas
Mary V said…
Oh no, maybe your son should have become a vet instead of a lawyer. Hope healing goes quickly.
Linda said…
Well, you cannot clean up everyone's yards. And, I worry about stepping in fire ants or dog poop when I step off the sidewalks.
Megs said…
Sending hugs to the poor dear! You e really had a time of it!