
DrumMajor said…
Uh, Home of the Range Debra is a Kansas song, and at least Kansas has some gun laws. I was stunned to read earlier about how Georgia has no gun laws. Supposedly under 18 can't own or buy one, but if Daddy gives you one for a gift, that's just dandy, after being investigated for being a threat. No brains! Linda in Kansas
Joy B said…
But, you do need a license to hunt and fish. Unbelievable!
Guillaume said…
Parents and children in Georgia are like sitting ducks.
Linda said…
I think Debra meant wild west, no holds barred. Since I live right next door to Georgia, I would worry traveling there. I thought all states had some sort of rules about guns. Okay, I was so wrong.
Mary V said…
We will never stop the killings but if we banned automatic rifles ( AK15) we would stop the slaughter. Stop saying this is a mental issue, others countries have mental problems they DO NOT have this slaughter.