Homes by the Lake

I have shown you pictures of the town of Skaneateles but now I will show you some of the homes that sit on this beautiful lake. This is my most favorite home.

However, if I owned it, I would be out there the day I signed the closing papers with a paintbrush in my hand. I would go for different shades of grays and whites. I just can't look at this place enough!

I looked at this house when it was on the market a couple years ago. It has huge granite steps that lead right into the lake which is only about 2 feet deep right in front of this house.

This is either new or redone.

This is the view these homes have.

I couldn't get a good shot of this house but it is truly magnificent. Click for a better view.

This one is tucked back in behind stone walls.

An old farmhouse with an impressive lawn.

I like the simplicity of this one. Many of the homes in this town are white. it!!!

A Queen Ann with a slate Mansard roof. This looks like a mini version of my house.

Another Italianate.

I am so attracted to this kind of ironwork. Can you imagine duplicating that today?

Another example of a Mansard roof. I looked at this house just last year. It was on the market for about $500,000.00. It has a huge barn and a big lot in the back.

This one is currently for sale. I haven't checked the price yet.

This is the farmhouse we rent when we visit.

It is next to an old motel that was purchased and turned into little suites which are for rent. Each comes with it's own kitchen.

Whenever we are here someone really likes to hide behind the curtains and look outside.

We teasingly call her the wizard because she is like the Wizard of Oz. In case you aren't sure what you are looking at right here......that furry thing below the curtain is puppy butt!! She sits there for hours checking out the rolling countryside behind the house.

I hope you enjoyed seeing this wonderful little town.

We are going back in December when the town is transformed into a Dickens village complete with costumed carolers. I will photograph all of it for you to see.

If you haven't entered the present giveaway yet, just click on the button on my sidebar.

*****On Saturday I will be posting the Halloween giveaway. This is killing me because I want what I am giving away. It is something quite special so make sure to check back!!!!


Laura said…
I love all those houses. So beautiful! Have a great day.
I like a nice Mansard roof myself.
Sharon Day said…
Oh my gosh! Did you pick your house while you were there? Reminds me of Practical Magic. (sigh)
Lucie Le Blanc said…
What delightful houses ! Your are right, no way we could reproduce the ironwork in our times. :(

The first one is really my favorite, it looks like a doll house.

Love the puppy butt ! ;)
brokenteepee said…
I adore old money pits - I mean houses.
Half the fun of traveling was looking at the old towns and houses.
Thank you for giving that back to me
Jennifer Rose said…
i love houses with huge porches like that. just perfect for sitting out all day reading :)
Tori said…
Gorgeous! I love looking at old homes.
Felinae said…
Beautiful homes. Thanks for sharing them :)
Anonymous said…
Wow it is so pretty!
Cindi Myers said…
I agree with Autumnforest, it reminds me of Practical Magic too! I loved that movie but I Love Love Love that house!
Suzie said…
Oh, I love the home tour! Gorgeous, gorgeous homes, each with their own personality!

And you are right. To find that kind of craftsmanship these days, is difficult and then very expensive. One of the pitfalls of a home restoration.

Thank you for sharing them with us! It is a pure delight to see all of your wonderful photos!
Mother Moon said…
those homes are absolutely beautiful... I love the big porches and the iron work....
Wendy said…
What gorgeous homes! They make me miss the U.S. even more.

Cute puppy butt. Heh.
The Traveler said…
your favorite is great, but I really like the one behind the stone walls!
Rue said…
The lawns that these homes have are amazing! I'd have that land all dug up for gardens!
Unknown said…
"Octoberfarm" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here. looking at all those houses. I thought that was the town you lived in for some reason. Can't wait to see it in the Winter! :o)
Saille said…
Well, now I feel sort of silly for never getting down to Skaneateles. We live near Utica, have for several years, and have never made it down there. Dickensian holiday decorations may get me moving. Thanks for all the pics!