Thanksgiving Leftover Recipe and A New Giveaway

The winner of last weeks giveaway is: Robin Larkspur Please send me your info and I will ship it right out!

This week's giveaway includes a jar of Holiday Jam and Blueberry Jam from Stonewall Kitchen. Also included is a bag of cranberry salt water taffy, chocolate covered cranberries, a box of specialty tea, a cinnamon honey bear, hot chocolate mix and other assorted items. To enter, leave a comment on the post. If you are not already a follower, sign on to follow. The winner will be picked and announced next Saturday.

I am not a roasted turkey lover but it is worth making one each Thanksgiving just so I can use the leftovers. My family can't wait for me to whip up these sandwiches.

I start with the leftover rolls. The recipe for them will be posted tomorrow.

Cut the rolls in half.

Slice the leftover turkey very thin.

Mix leftover cranberry relish with some softened butter and finely diced onion.

Thinly slice some blue cheese. The blue cheese is the secret here but if you really don't care for it a sharp cheddar would work too.

Spread some of the cranberry mixture on one side of each roll.

Lay some blue cheese on top of the cranberry spread.

Layer on some of the turkey. I cracked a bit of sea salt over the turkey.

This makes one of the best turkey sandwiches ever.


Lynda Hardy said…
Mmmm... I'm all about the leftover turkey and cranberry sauce sandwiches!
well i can tell you, my friends...these are delicious...we had them here at Farmhouse last night and they were a BIG HIT !!!!

thanks for the great recipe....

we have a NEW TRADITION :-)

kary and teddy
p.s. teddy loves them too
TMCPhoto said…
those look yummy. My turkey sandwiches are what I love about roasting a big bird.

I butter a bun, spread cranberry sauce on one side and a thin layer of cold gravy on the other. on the gravy I add a layer of bread stuffing, then sausage stuffing then dark and light meat then top it off with the cranberry side of the bun.

I could live off of these sandwiches for days except the leftovers never last long enough for the complete sandwich to be made past the day after. I may just have to give your version a try sans the blue cheese which apparently; along with Brie shouldn't be eaten during pregnancy.
This is a non-cooking day for me so this is perfect. I could also care less about the big meal, just give me the left overs.

I'm making the rolls Monday for a church luncheon on Tuesday. Thanks! Have a wonderful week end.
Janet said…
LoL - the sandwiches are my favorite part of the turkey as well. I prefer to mix in thigh meat with the breast to get a moister sandwich and we often use a nice double or triple creme brie.

If I run out of cranberry sauce (I make my own and spice it with cloves & cinnamon and cardamon) I have been known to use gooseberry or blueberry in its place.

Thanks for the reminder about the simpler side of the big holiday meals.
Robin Larkspur said…
Thank you, Teddy for drawing my name for last week's great giveaway. You and your Mama are the Best!!!
The Captain said…
Great! Thanks alot, I must go to the kitchen now and eat a samich! LOL! Put me in the bucket for the drawing please.
Those look yummy! Have you shared your roll recipe yet?
Sparkless said…
Now I'm going to have to go out and get some turkey to make those buns!
Chris said…
Ok, this recipe will surely put some pazaaaazz into that bland turkey!! What a festive looking holiday gift basket too...which, I for one...would love to have!!
Looking forward to the roll recipe!
Have a warm, cozy week-end!!
Watcher said…
Ooh yum!
We didn't do thanksgiving this year since the family is currently scattered around the country, but I will have to try this next year!
Count me in for the giveaway, please.
Many congrats to Robin! :) One of the wonderful things about Thanksgiving dinner is definitely the leftovers. These turkey sandwiches look amazing. I would never have thought to use bleu cheese - yum! And I like that you mixed a little butter and onions into the cranberry sauce for an extra zippy topping.
I'd love to be considered for your new giveaway (I'm a most happy follower). :) Theresa
The sandwiches look just the right size. Of course add blue cheese and you know its going to be delicious.
Anonymous said…
Looks really tasty! I think I can do something similar but with christmas ham, lingonberries and blue cheese :-)
Congratulations to Robin too, this she will like a lot :-)

Guillaume said…
Hmmmm...turkey sandwiches.
Ann said…
congratulations to Robin. That sandwich look delicious. I may have to go make one now
Thmini2 said…
Those sandwiches look really good!
Mystica said…
Thanks for the receipes! they always look scrumptious.

Do not enter me for the giveaway as this kind of giveaway will never get through out Customs!
i am drooling here!

And while I'm here I'll enter the contest too.
Millie said…
Those rolls look so yummy. I think the human should make a whole batch just for me.
sage said…
Everything looks so Yummy!
AmyB said…
Looks good and I don't even like blue cheese.
Cheryll said…
I'm going to try these on my husband...he loves blue cheese with anything. Can't wait for the roll recipe! Thanks for sharing.
Netty said…
Ooh it all looks so wonderful, my mouth is watering.....yummy. Looking forward to seeing the recipe for the rolls. I would so love to be considered for your give away. Have a great Sunday. Annette
Lois said…
I love a little salt on my turkey sandwiches... Oh now I really want some turkey and just might have to go buy a turkey breast to roast! Will have to try the blue cheese.

I love your witch pottery. It's incredible.
petoskystone said…
yum! my idea of breakfast :)
Daph said…
My husband is going to LOVE these!! Thank you:)
Celia said…
These look yummy! Please enter me in the giveaway.....that looks yummy too!
Deborah said…
Those sandwichs look really yummy. I will be making some tomorrow. Thanks for having a wonderful giveaway.
Anonymous said…
Ok, those look yummy. Too bad I didn't make a turkey this year. Perhaps I should go hit the turkey sales now and make these next weekend. Yum, and yes, add me to the give-away. I love all things cranberry!
Ms Smirk said…
We made a 23lb turkey for 7 people so there would be DAYS of leftovers!!! Would love to win the basket. Looks beautiful as always!!

themalfoysmirk at aol dot com
Suzie said…
All hubs ever wants on his turkey sandwich is butter. .how bland! I'm thinking that these may seriously change his mind for good! At least I'm going to give it a try. .if these don't win him over, then he is hopeless. .and that leaves more for me!
Mariah said…
I have to say I never thought of putting blue cheese on my Thanksgiving left-over sandwich!
I'm a follower too! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
pattyj said…
I actually love the left overs better than the main meal. Those turkey sandwiches look really good.
Please sigh me up for the drawing too.
Birgit said…
Gosh, now I crave a turkey sandwich -- so yummy!

Thanks for the chance to win those goodies, too. :)

-- Birgit
happy (late) thanksgiving!!

brokenteepee said…
Mmmm, I love bleu cheese.
SpiritWings said…
Thanks for posting the potato roll receipe. Can't wait to try it!!
I always seem to enjoy the leftovers more than the actual meal!!
Please enter me in the giveways for this week!!!
Zombie Queen said…
Those sandwiches looks soooo good! I love holiday leftovers
Unknown said…
Looks wonderful; the worst part about living away from home is not getting to use the leftovers when you leave =(
Shai Williams said…
Your post just reminded me that I haven't have a turkey sandwich yet. I need to jump on that before the guys eat it all.
Dulcie said…
I got here via Beverly's Back Porch and The Jammie Girl. The sandwiches look wonderful -- I never would have thought about putting blue cheese with the cranberries. I'll have to wait for the next holiday to try it, though.
Sharon Day said…
Yummy! I went to a very delicious vegetarian T-giving this year and it was so unusual and so good, I was pleased I tried something new, but I do miss the turkey sandwiches!
Ann said…
A match made in heaven-thanks for sharing!!!!!
All the food you have posted always looks amazing.

Your giveaways always look amazing as well. sign me up.
dolphyngyrl said…
The rolls look divine... Sadly, I cannot get on board with the blue cheese. Or the cranberry sauce. OK, or the turkey (because I'm a vegetarian). Buuuut... Ok, it all looks really good, which means I must be hungry! :)
Joane said…
I would love to be part of this giveaway, keeping my fingers crossed.....
BelladonnasJoy said…
Great looking sanwiches!! Yummy. I would love to be entered in your draw. Thank you.
Sugar said…
oooh those look yummy! I would love to be entered in the giveaway!
Marilyn said…
The leftovers look wonderful Always looking for new ways to use traditional ingredients. The basket looks lovely. Lots of useful things.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to have to try those. They certainly look tasty!

Thanks for sharing!
audrey said…
Oh, these sandwiches look so good ~ cranberries AND blue cheese!! YUM!!!. Thanks for the recipe.
Please enter me for a chance on this week's giveaway. It all looks delicious!
♥ audrey
Marilyn said…
These sound just wonderful. Will go out and pick the 'fixins today. We have had lots of snow and these will make an exceptional supper in front of the TV watching Sunday Night Football.
AkasaWolfSong said…
I'd love to enter the give-away if it isn't too late?

The sand's look scrumptious and I think the next time I make turkey these will be on my menu...rather than the whole turkey I need to find your potato roll recipe!

Congrats to Robin on the winning give-away! :)

Thanks Jazz for all you do!
Joy to the world!
Blueberry Jam caught my eye! What a nice count me in. Congratulations to your last winner!!
Another BIG "thank you" from me. You have been a good friend.
Divaeva said…
mmmm..maple leaf cremes! :p
Rusthawk said…
What a beautiful basket of goodies! Thank you for including me.

Happy Holidays!
SpinMeAYarn said…
Hi, what a lovely way to make turkey sandwiches, I will be keeping this idea in mind for leftover turkey on St Stephens Day!
the giveaway looks awesome, sure, put my name in too!
liz, ireland
CathyH said…
I never would have thought of that! Just made a huge pot of turkey soup with my leftovers. Yum!