the Original Practical Magic Spell Book

Today I am participating in The Practical Magic Blog Party at: . There seems to be endless interest in this spell book.

I purchased it at auction right after the movie was released.

It came stuffed with all sorts of notes and feathers and dried flowers and such.

Since I have it on display on a book stand, I removed all of those items and stored them away.

Today I am revealing pages I have never shown before.

This is the page showing the Exorcist Brew.

It is hidden in the back of the book in the "black magic" section.

This is a new spell book I purchased in Salem last year.

This is a reproduction of the practical magic spell book that I also own.

This is my own spell book.

I put everything and anything that interests me in my spell book.

I always put Halloween cards I receive in my book.

It is so much fun to look back at them during the year.

I also use it like a journal and try to make an entry each day.

If I come across a good recipe, I add it too.

I press flowers from my garden and glue them to the pages.

This is the front of my spell book.

I have filled one and am working on my second!

Have a great Practical Magic day!!!


Creepy Glowbugg said…
Your spell book(s) are amazing! That Practical Magic book is so detailed and intricate! What a gorgeous prop!
Ack! I am so honored to see the card I sent you displayed in your personal spell book! Yay!
I am now on the search for a t-shirt with "Nature is my Chruch" on it!
Have a beautiful day!
Beautiful! *sigh* Just Beautiful!
AlphaBetsy said…
Thank you for sharing your beautiful spell books. The one from the book is beautiful, but I so prefer your obviously used and loved ones. :)
SharleneT said…
I, personally, think you're triplets! You can truly fill a day -- much less, a spell book, and cook your fantastic meals... Love, love, love, your blog. Hugs to Teddy. Oh, and the Blog Tech for doing such a great job whilst you were photographing our virtual tour with you to the Fall Festival.
Marigold said…
Awesome books! I love that you keep cards and press flowers. For Glowbugg, there is a wonderful shirt/shirts on Cafe Press with a lovely saying:"Within the forest that is my temple,a fallen tree becomes my altar, the sky my witness, woodland creatures my coven. It is in such common places that magickal transformations are reserved for the children of Gaia.
Lady Jess said…
Very pretty spell books! Thank you SO much for sharing with us!
What beautiful spell books! I am having a beautiful Practical Magic day. I'm doing nothing except what I want.
Sarah Sullivan said…
Oh what a beautiful book..and all that you have placed in it!! The old one is wonderful too!!!
Wow!!! Beautiful pics hon!
Pop on by mine and add your name to my giveaway! Blessings, Sarah
Ashling said…
Love your spellbook! Thanks so much for sharing!
i am LATE to the party...that practical magic spell book is so cool...very cool.....

and i LOVE your journals.....what a great idea....

off to see your blogpost at the party....

kary and l'il teddy
Anonymous said…
I have always liked the spell boooks You've shown here. But I have never seen that film and I have never seen it for sale as a dvd over here so I guess it never became a hit here.

Have a great day!
Bird said…
Good autumn day to you, Jaz,
Loved all of your BOS's and the original one you got from the Practical Magic movie! Oh my gosh, that is so cool.

Thank you for the tour of your books and I hope you have yourself a very blessed day,
LuLu Kellogg said…
The Spell book is just wonderful! How lovely that you have it diplayed and keep it out so it can be enjoyed. I really love the edges of those pages.

LuLu Kellogg
Birgit said…
You are a sweetheart to show more of the Practical Magic spell book. So very interesting!

However, I like YOUR spell book better -- so very lovely and personal. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life.

Anonymous said…
Nature is my church as well, it always has been,
petoskystone said…
oh, such lovely books! :) i have always wondered at the imagination & creativity of the person/people who did up the practical magic Book: who came up with the ideas, who compiled, did they enjoy the working, did they put part of themselves within the Book?
~ Jayne ~ said…
Who created the Practical Magic spellbook? Yours is inspiring as well.
Linda said…
What a wondrous collection of Spell books you have. You were in the right place at the right time. A very special one and one of your own. I made one also. it is a slow process but I love it. Thank you for sharing. please visit me:
Barbara F. said…
That book is a treasure. I believe it was really meant for you to own. I love the items you save in it, too. xo
Guillaume said…
I always imagined the magic books of wizards in Dungeons & Dragons to be like that.
Magaly Guerrero said…
Okay, so I'm a little jealous, in the best of ways of course. What a find. And how precious the rest of your books are.

I love most, the bit about Nature being your church. I guess I'll see you there every day ;-)
Anonymous said…
I must return to Salem and get one of those spellbooks one of these days.
Thanks for sharing your spell books! :) Enjoy the Practical Magic festivities! :) Please feel free to come and visit with me, too. :)
Sincerely, Theresa
Anonymous said…
WOW, what a cool post!
Don't let anyone touch it :)

Lisa said…
Both spell books are beautiful and seem to be lucky to have you as their owner. Hope you can stop by my enchanted oven for PM cookies.
RPLancaster said…
Thank you for sharing your Spell Books. You have inspired me with your art and it's given me some ideas that I want to include in my own book.
Happy Practical Magic Day!

Your spell books are fascinating. I think it's wonderful your pressed flowers and cards are tucked away inside for you to enjoy later.
Celia said…
Your spellbook is amazing!! The movie spellbook is really cool too! I have never had a spellbook of my own...and you have inspired me to start one!
The speel books are wonderful! Happy 2nd Annual Practical Magic Blog Party! Hope you’ll drop by:
Tamara said…
So beautiful and it must be one of your prized possessions....I've looked everywhere for a large blank paged book that I can use for one of my BOS's but all I can find is smaller sized journals. Thanks so much for sharing your was inspiring to see them. :)
Vivien said…
...oh my goodness!!!

You have inspired me. What a wonderful idea to store the things that matter so much in a spell book. I am going to start my own. Thank you for sharing!
Susan said…
I remember your sharing the real book last year! I think you gave one away also! You sure know where to find great books to use for BOS. Everything I seem to come across is too small. :( someday....
Thanks for sharing some more with us!
Happy Mabon!
Charlie said…
I have a request of showing the most popular pages of the prop book like:

Obliviosus Imemor
the bird page
the light tower page

and maybe more if you like...

Would love to see them

Thanx for youre beautiful blog

Blessed be!
Charlie said…
I have a request of showing the most popular pages of the prop book like:

Obliviosus Imemor
The bird page
The light tower page

and maybe more if you like...

Would love to see them

Thanx for youre beautiful blog

Blessed be!
Karen said…
You Books are Magical !!
Such a wonderful way of expressing yourself don't you think ?


On another note- I read the post you wrote below this one. About your brother. Seems we share something else as well...
My older brother was shot and wounded at Camp Holloway in Pleiku Vietnam. He died of those injuries in 1972...
Great that you have been able to reconnect with some of his fellow soldiers...
We never get over missing them do we ?
Anonymous said…
Hi, I knew you had the original book from the previous party, I just can't stop looking at it. It is so wonderfully magical. You are so lucky !!!
Have a magical day.
Edith Schmidt said…
Love, just love your post. I have so enjoyed it!!!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful Jaz !!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful spell books. I just love "Nature is my Church".

brokenteepee said…
Very cool. I'm sorry I'm late in posting. We had a wedding to attend yesterday
Jane K said…
Oh wow Jaz I'm so in love with your spell books they are so enchanting.

J x
Ricki Treleaven said…
Hello, I am visiting form the Practical Magic Blog party. :D Thanks for sharing your spell books with us. I love the details in the one used in the PM movie. Neat post!
Anonymous said…
Great post! This is one of my favorites at the party!! Great job!

Unknown said…
What a great collection you have. The pages you shared are wonderful. Great PM post!
beautiful collection! thank you so much for sharing with us! Your blog is awesome :)
Michelle said…
How amazing that you have the original book from the movie! Great party post... Thanks for sharing!
Melissa said…
Love your spellbook!!

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings
Rue said…
I love how you use your spellbook as an art journal as well as a collection of recipes, spells & such. It's a great idea!

Live everyone else, the PM spellbook is a treasure I'll never get tired of looking at! Thanks for the peek!
Petunia said…
Jaz I am still in awe of that amazing PM spellbook. What a treat to see pages I have never seen before. The book you purchased from Salem is beautiful. A wonderful place to store your personal treasures. Thank you so much for sharing again. Happy October :)

seomonster said…
I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very useful for me.. Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success in your business. magic spell book