On The Road

Nothing like a long day of driving and when you are almost at your definition, you run into this.


As far as the eye can see!

Thanks guys! Don't you know I am in a hurry to reach Salem?

Finally we arrive at our first nights destination. Teddy immediately checks out her area.

Very rare to see both back legs out behind her.

Half way there! Teddy got her 'take out' fish dish from the restaurant we dined at last night so she is a happy puppy and enjoying the trip. She also went straight into Skaneateles Lake even though the temperature was 48 degrees.


I think road construction is part of vacations, put there just to annoy us. Teddy is such a good little traveler. Have fun today!
Nothing like road construction to make a trip more enjoyable . . . .
I revisit your Salem posts often, it seems the only way I get to go there! Decided last night I am planning a trip for next year, even if I go it alone, ha ha!! Hurry up and get there! Be safe!
Barbara F. said…
Teddy needed to really stretch her legs! So cute!! xo
BennuBird said…
Welcome to NY where road construction doesn't ever end! Have a safe and wonderful trip!
Marigold said…
Oh, then you would love it here. The normal speed limit is 55. :) Can't wait to see what you find in Salem. I wonder if you'll find that immoveable witch on the street again.
brokenteepee said…
She knows her routine and that is THAT!
carolochs said…
Oooh! Excited to watch your travels to Salem! My dream is to go someday, especially at Samhain! If you happen to shop in Salem proper, three shops there carry witch soaps I custom make for them...Hex, Omen, and Crow Haven Corner! I'm really curious what their displays look like! They sound like very magical shops, the owners very nice folk!
Suzie said…
You sure you didn't take a wrong turn and wound up in Michigan? We can't go anywhere without construction back-ups, and yet the roads they aren't working on, always seem to be in worse shape than those that they are!

Continuous high winds have made our Autumn color take flight, literally1 I can't help but notice all of the bare trees in your photos. Those winds must have continued eastward! But, I'm happy that you are going to Salem again this year. I always look forward to seeing it through your eyes!
Anonymous said…
At least the traffic still moved along :-)
I bet Teddy loved that cool water but I doubt it made it through her thick fur :-)

Have a great trip!
Anonymous said…
Yay....love your trips to Salem. It's hard to get in the Halloween spirit here in warm, sunny California so getting to see bits of Salem is always fun.
Toriz said…
She knows what she likes, LOL!
Barb said…
Since you stopped in the finger Lakes region of NY, you are in one of my favorite places!!! I bet the trees are beautiful. Teddy seems to have the right idea after a day of traveling. As far as the construction- are you sure you are not in Tenn. or Washington!!! Eks! It's everywhere!!!
Christine said…
We got that going on all over here too. I don't mind though. It is good to know someone is working.

Oh I so do look forward to your trip to Salem! I have been reading for a couple years and am living vicariously through you.

Thanks for sharing!
So happy to be tagging along.

Always love to see Teddy Halloween Fluffs.

Thanks for sharing.

xoxo to Teddy.
Traffic and roadwork always take the fun out of a road trip. Glad to see Teddy has settled in nicely. Hope Day Two has clear highways. SALEM or BUST!