Our Second Year at the Collards Cook Off

Yesterday was the collards cook off and we entered it for the second year.  We didn't win.  We didn't even come in in the top three.  Damn.  We are bad cookers.  We are losers.  We also didn't invite any friends which we later found out is exactly the way you win this thing.  Invite your friends and get them to vote for you.  But it was a lot of fun anyway!

 The event cost 5.00 for all the collards and extras you could eat. People packed in all day long with their families in tow.

 You can find my collards recipe here:  http://octoberfarm.blogspot.com/2012/02/worlds-best-collard-greens-recipe-and.html

 This is such a good collards recipe.  And people seemed to love them.  The Blog Tech had to slow some people down because he was running out of them and still had an hour to go.

 I made 15 quarts of greens.

 I also made 4 of these cranberry orange cornmeal cakes.

 To top it all off, I made a huge vat of mac and cheese.

There wasn't a drop left.  Oh well...there's always next year!


Anonymous said…
Yes always invite loads of friends if voting is included :-) It doesn't matter how tasty food You make if the friends aren't there.

Looks delicious all of it!

Have a great day!
Guillaume said…
Mac and cheese. Yum. I love mac and cheese.
Now that you know the strategy to win, start rounding up attendees for next year's event!
Bonnie Cooper said…
Just wondering, dear Lady - Do you have a Pinterest account to follow?
NEXT year invite me...they won't get away with this "friends" thingy! There should have been a small panel of judges from at least six or seven states..north and south. "Somethings rotten in Denmark!" (that's just an old addage..) :) My money's on you, Joyce!
Mary Ann said…
You lost me at collards (laugh)
Unknown said…
Really good job on the site Julia Nicole