Blessed Solstice

Cold and dark, this time of year,
the earth lies dormant, awaiting the return
of the sun, and with it, life.
Far beneath the frozen surface,
a heartbeat waits,
until the moment is right,
to spring.


Anonymous said…
Solstice blessings to you and your family, Joyce!
Leanna said…
I am surely going to miss this nice cool weather we are having down here in Texas. Solstice Blessings to you and your family dear.
Mrs.T said…
Yule Blessings to you and yours...
Denise in TN
Anonymous said…

Have a great day!

Teacats said…
Brightest and Best Wishes for Winter Solstice!
Guillaume said…
I'd hate to say it, but the solstice is tomorrow. That said, happy solstice to you!
greekwitch said…
Happy Solstice honey! Stay warm and eat many of your yummy cookies!
Dog Trot Farm said…
Tomorrow a minute of daylight gained...but honestly...64 degrees predicted for Christmas Day here in Maine...I just don't know what to make of this...Happy Solstice and wishing you a Merry Christmas...