Winnie Poses for the Camera

 Hey Winnie...come here so I can take some pics of you!

 "Oh no, not the camera again."

"Alright, come back and I will open my eyes this time."


Susan said…
Good thing I don't live there. I'd have to be surgically removed from that dog.
Anonymous said…
i think she closes her eyes when she smiles lol,,
Leanna said…
Oh mom!! That's probably what she's saying. Such a cutie!
The paparazzi are SO demanding.
Anonymous said…
They do get tired of our cameras pretty quick, don't they :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Guillaume said…
She is very sweet.
MaryO said…
So adorable. What would have made that closed-eye pic perfect would have been abWinnie raspberry!
i bet winnie would take selfies if she could. she's adorable and knows it.