More Dump Trump


Mary said…
Sadly true and very scarey.
The world is a depressing place right now *sigh*
Christer. said…
They are all so true I'm afraid.

Guillaume said…
No Anonymous troll this time? I was ready to have a blast.
LEfting said…
And don't forget, the Irani's were firing missiles because Trump murdered their second in command...and those missiles probably hit a Ukranian plane with 160 people on board...children included...57 Canadians Trump has THAT on his hands, too..12 people from my area in BC Canada were killed, some were newlyweds, all were loved by many. I am SO angry!
jaz@octoberfarm said…
the plane sure is on trump's back. all because he was trying to satisfy some of his GOP backers. disgusting!
Kay said…
It's become a scary world. I hope everyone votes this year.