quarantine Day #42 Dump Trump


Mary said…
All sadly true, please everyone we all need stay home protect us all. I am betting all those protesters are trump supporters. It maddens me ( not surprisingly) to think trump supporters are not following Federal guide lines. And trump encourages them. November cannot get here soon enough, I will stand in line in a plastic bag if nesessary to vote him OUT.
LEfting said…
It's all so sad. And now the states are starting to "open up" while more people are getting covid, and dying from it. So sad. So needless. So ignorant. So uneducated! Saw a woman on the news with a sign saying "Quarantine is communism". Oh my.
Bee Haven Bev said…
I am hoping with every fiber of my being that he is voted out....and then that he goes to jail!!
So good and sadly so true.

Good lineup today, Joyce!
Guillaume said…
These idiots are lining up to a massacre.
All good and so true! I will vote if it kills me.
Valerie said…
Thanks Joyce! I've been reading several reports that claim that the NRA, right-wing-nut groups, and foreign meddlers have been fomenting the so-called freedoom [intended] fighters. So pathetic.
chickpea678 said…
The first four esp the new slogan for 2020 Republicans 😆. Third from bottom, SMH.