It Had to Come Down To This To Open People's Eyes?



Marcia LaRue said…
My Favorite Day ... indeed!!!
Ron Filipkowski's tweet says it all.
Mary V said…
John Legend speaks for me now! Of course it was planned but who kept police and Nation Guard away. It was a trump rally for pete's sake not a flipping Girl Scout Rally!
Leanna said…
Yes, Pooh, it's my favorite day too.
Great ones and Piglet is so right.

Guillaume said…
Trump needs to be deposed. And I say deposed, as he is a dictator as long as he is president. Invoke the 25th amendment and remove him from office. In less than two weeks, he can burn the US down to ashes. As for the rest, here's another meme about the police response or lack of:
Nellie said…
My sentiments exactly, Guillaume! So great to have that win in GA!
Mystica said…
It was horrible watching from so far away. It felt like the end. something I never hoped to see from the States.