Is Anyone Else Watching The Debaucle



Marcia LaRue said…
Can only watch bits and pieces ... Raskin was amazing ... made me cry -- so did that 13 minute video! Evidently they have more video to show today ... I'll try to see what that's all about!
Yes ... they are ALL guilty as hell ... if they do NOT convict that Orange Virus!!
Mike said…
No, I can't watch this crap. We should send a mob down to Marlago and finish this once and for all.
Bee Haven Bev said…
if there is any decency left in the Republican Party they must convict him. My heart tells me they won't.
I am glued to the TV. Everybody should watch this and see the horror that he brought to our Capital. He is a madman. To think that people will let him get away with this is more than frightening. They will be just as guilty as him.
Watching the debacle? Why yes! I cannot stay away!
Valerie said…
Rick Scott's and Lindsey Graham's comments tell you everything you need to know about a corrupt, evil and degenerate political party. I hope they all burn.
T. Rose said…
I am SO tired of hearing about all the inhumane corrupt things donald has done
I do not want to give it any more of my energy. i do not want to hear him referred to as the President when it is highly debatable if he ever legally was in the first place
I am so tired of the gaslighting
either members of the senate are going to do their job or they are not; I wish I could make them do their job for the people, but alas, the reality is, I cannot.
too many do not want to take responsibility for the selling of their souls
I no longer want to support the toxic white supremacist system in any way shape or form
I want to get off the white supremacist wheel
I heard about a local town creating it's own currency
they would get so many town dollars a month and could only be spent at local stores/businesses
I am concerned that education is going online
I cannot teach that way
I am tired of people causing all kinds of suffering and not being held accountable, for any of it
because they don't take responsibility for it, they don't own it
and we let them get away with it
because we focus on their news lines and him and all the corrupt things he has done and keeps doing
clearly our legislation is broken too
so what can one do?
I want to get off the grid
I want anyone else that wants to get off the grid to be able to get off the grid
I do not want to be reliant on any billionaire or his/her company, products I do not want to support them in any way shape or form
How does one do that?

I am SO tired of living in fear
I want to feel love
I want to have fun again
shoot-I just want to have some fun .

I want to sing and dance and read and write
I want to be out in nature (but not when it is so freaking cold...)
and watch movies
and be happy

so -no, I have not been watching the impeachment trial
I am grateful there is a trial
I just hope the truth comes out and justice is served
although I do not have much hope in the too many corrupt members of congress

here's to a new day
a new way of life
a life where we live with love in our hearts
and peace in our minds

Richard said…
I listened to the whole thing on the first day, and parts of it on the second day. Call it therapy. His people are going to acquit him. They will be wrong. Still, it felt good to know that we can say this. That thing is finished. Now we have to clean up his little ass-lickers. Pardon my language.
Guillaume said…
Last one is spot on.