SMH....It Feels Like The Bad Is Always Winning



Susan said…
It defies understanding.
Valerie said…
It makes me literally sick to my stomach, especially all the Repugnicans gloating about it. :-(
Mary V said…
I was disappointed but not surprised. I may have thought it was murder but I think the charge should have been manslaughter. I believe drunk drivers who kill should be charged with murder but….they are not! Sad day.
Marcia LaRue said…
Don't you just love his croc-a-Kyle tears as the verdict was read! A woman placed a box of tissues in front of him as he scrunched up his face, made his face turn red, but not a goddamned tear could he muster up ... couldn't when he was on the stand, too! Never did he read for a tissue because ... THERE WERE NO TEARS! And, then ... someone from Faux News hauled him off ... him talking like a big shot, saying the hard part was over with!
Personally, I think the "hard part" is only just beginning! Of course, he'll have Faux News folks and his buddies, the Proud Boys, to protect him!
Mike said…
Unfortunately, I wasn't surprised.
All along, I suspected this would happen. It is sad. I, too, miss consequences.
bobbie said…
Bullspit verdict ~ makes me sick!
Unknown said…
I was holding my breath, hoping for a guilty verdict but I knew it probably wasn't going to happen. And sure enough, the little Pillsbury dough boy walks scot free. Of course the Grand Wizard judge had his back the whole time so there's that. I don't know why his mom hasn't been arrested for taking a minor over state lines and dropping him off with an AR-15. Boggles my mind. Eventually he's gonna have to go to school, work, etc. I hope he doesn't get a moment of peace.