The Blog Tech's Treat

The Blog Tech just finished another semester of law school so I told him I would make him any dinner he chose as a reward.  He picked this one, individual meatloaves served on garlic bread floating in a pool of rich gravy topped with creamy mashed potatoes and creamed spinach with a side of roasted carrots.
While this is not difficult to make, it is labor intensive.

I got up at 3:30 yesterday and cooked for 8 hours.

Yesterday was one for the books.  It was 65 degrees with pouring rain and super high winds in December, weird.  When the food was ready, I asked my husband to deliver it.  When he arrived at the Blog Tech's house, he took the food out of the car and was crossing the street to deliver it.  A gust of wind knocked his baseball cap off of his head and he threw the food in the air as he tried to retrieve his cap.  The hot mashed potatoes crashed to the ground in a pool of rain and glass shards.  The Blog Tech texted me and said that he and Ziggy ate some streetloaf.  My husband's hat is fine.

Ziggy trying to score more streetloaf.



Susan said…
OMG I laughed so hard after the glorious news that your husband’s hat survived!
Marcia LaRue said…
That final picture is a winner! OMG ... too funny!
Sadly it may be the picture for far too many folks this Christmas!
Hopefully, you made up a replacement plate for the BT and pup!!
"Streetloaf," LOL! What a wit!
Mary V said…
Streetloaf, hahahaha. Congratulation to BT.
Great to read that Your husbands hat is fine :-) :-) :-)

The food looks delicious!

Have a great day!

1st Man said…
"streetloaf" I think you created a new name. Sorry that happened to blog tech's dinner but your telling of the story of it is funny. Here's to a better 2022 for everyone.
Mike said…
I laughed and thought why wasn't blog tech taking a video of his prize meal arriving? It would have gone viral in an instant.
Guillaume said…
This sure looks like a treat. I love a good meatloaf, with red wine.
Susan said…
Picture #1 looks sooooooo delicious. I could almost taste it. The visual of the meal dropping to the street as your husband reaches for his flying hat is comedy skit material. Ziggy must have gotten a good share of Streetloaf.
NEVER lose a baseball cap! Ha! Streetloaf is a good coined word.
whynotgrl67 said…
Omg that would have devastated me. I’m so sorry . Poor blog tech poor everyone.
Unknown said…
All that work and hubby drops it in the street? And you cooked for 8 hours? Face palm. I hope the BT was able to remove the shards of glass and salvage some of the food. Ha! I adore creamed spinach. The BT chose well. Congrats to him and another semester of law school under his belt.
Rain said…
All I can say is Ziggy is adorable!