
This explains a lot.



DVArtist said…
George Carlin is so right! Have a good day today.
Megs said…
What a quote by Erlichman. And how telling that Republicans want whitexsupremicists in the military. Must be planning another coup! I’m doing everything I can to get everyone to vote! We outnumber them.
Yes, churches should be taxed!
Mary V said…
I have always thought universities and churches should be taxed. Even if just a smaller portion of assessment of their property.
Leanna said…
YES! Tax the hell out of the Christian churches. Literally! It would be pay-to-play. They want so much to stick their self-righteous noses into the government and run things, well make it really expensive to do so. So expensive that they will crawl back into their caves and under their rocks and stay quiet.
DrumMajor said…
I agree. As an 8 year old learning about church, (my parent's Unitarian Universalist) I thought it was weird that the Churchill-looking minister was talking about the local politics. Where was his church speech? Linda in Kansas
Guillaume said…
I'm sick of church people too.
Unknown said…
That John Ehrlichman sounded like a real piece of work. He would've fit in perfectly with donald tRump's crooked administration.