
 It's the time of the year to eat Samgyetang.  This is a delicious Korean chicken soup and one of my favorite dishes.

Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) is a nourishing soup that’s made with a small, young chicken for its tender and tasty meat. The ginseng flavored meat is tasty and tender, and the broth is rich and delicious!

 This boiling hot ginseng chicken soup, called samgyetang (삼계탕), is an iconic summer dish in Korea.Sam(삼) refers to ginseng (insam, 인삼), gye (계) means chicken, and tang (탕) is soup. It’s extremely popular as a nourishing food which helps fight the summer heat. As the Korean saying goes, eating the hot soup is “fighting the heat with heat.” 
 On sambok (삼복) days, it’s a Korean tradition to eat foods that are healthy and restorative. Samgyetang is a popular choice. Sambok days are 3 distinct days that mark the hottest summer period. Based on the lunar calendar, they are chobok (초복, beginning), jungbok (중복, middle), and malbok (말복, end). Malbok means the summer is winding down.
Here is a recipe for samgyetang that I use:  It's a good basic recipe and the cook is quite a character.

