Here We Go Again

We had a few cool days this weekend where our highs were in the 80's.  We are about to return to the 90's with lows in the 70's.  Who like's this weather?  I prefer to focus on Fall, so again, I am posting Fall thoughts.


And a little Fall political humor:


Marcia LaRue said…
I love that 2nd picture and the smooshed pumpkin face one!
August ... hot and the completion of anothercycle of life for me ... 79 times around the Sun for me!
Leanna said…
I put a countdown ticker for October. I can't wait.
Gosh these all make me feel good. Autumn is closer than we think. I almost spit out my tea seeing the REAL mr. cruz.
DVArtist said…
We are stuck in the 60°s Cool and overcast here. Have a great day.
Mary V said…
What kind of person thinks going to be only in the 80’s is cool? Fall cannot come soon enough for me.
Susan said…
Bring on the Fall and Winter! The more cold and snow the better.
Eileen in Fla. said…
With this strange climate change where I live, I'm not sure we'll even have a Fall this year... or a Winter for that matter.
Summer is still wonderful for me. But, I have ac. The pictures are pretty.
Guillaume said…
There's going to be a new heatwave next week apparently. I'm so fed up. I started reading horror stories already. Last year I had started in late June. I'm in a very autumnal mood and hope the heat won't remain come September.
Unknown said…
I think Granpa from "The Munsters" would take offense to being compared to creepy Ted Cruz.