Tell It Jim


Jim Gath 

 Hey, Walt Nauta -

Hear that? It’s the singing of the tires of a bus & it’s heading your way. And the underside of it is reserved for you.
That’s right, ol’ son - your boss will fling you under there quicker than a New York minute.
Because when things start to happen, it’s gonna be, “Gee - I don’t know….I told Walt to do everything by the book. And he promised me that he did. If he didn’t, well, that’s on him.”
Furthermore, if he’s promised to pay all of your legal bills, forget about it. He’ll stiff your lawyer like he’s stiffed all of his own lawyers. And you’ll be on the hook for millions.
And, if you don’t know all that, by now, or believe it, just look around at everbody else he’s ever been ‘loyal’ to - each & every one of them has been screwed blue.
And you’re no more special than any of them. A little - or a lot - less special, when you get right down to it.
Do yourself a favor, man…….rather than go to prison until you’re old & frail, give it up.
Flip, dude.
And sing like a canary.
It’s the only shot you’ve got.
You’re welcome.


If he's smart, he'll cut a deal.
Mary V said…
I hope Walt gets realistic and tells all he knows. Remember trump expects loyalty but does not give . ‘Cause trump does nothing wrong it was everyone’s else who did! I will say this…I do not need trump in jail, just being a convicted felon and no longer have Secret service protection. He is so damn rich let him pay for his own.
Mary V said…
P S my husband thinks trump having a strip search will be fine too!
Guillaume said…
Yup. Spot on. And I think Walt will flip. Trump's cronies are sycophants whose loyalty is ruled by fear and self-interest. The fanatics are among his base, but not the people close to him. Nobody likes him, not even his wife. Except maybe Ivanka, because he groomed her and she has him as a role model both for a father and a husband.
T. Rose said…
Sing, sing a song, make it truthful the whole day long...

And please learn from this while you are at it. And teach others as well. The truth goes a long way.
Why do these loyal people think they are different from the last people Trump screwed?
Unknown said…
Flip like a pancake Walt, now that you have a chance, before the bloated, orange, sociopath throws you under the bus and you're doing time for his crimes.