111 Days Until Halloween

I know a lot of you are horrified to hear me even mention this. But, I am sick of the HEAT, HUMIDITY and SMOKE!!!!  

I am gardening so early these days that it is still dark out.  Otherwise, it is just too hot.

I'm ready to rip out my leggy, summer flowers and plant Fall ones like these.

I want the bugs to disappear so we can eat outside once again.

I can't wait for Fall festivals.

And cozy fires and Fall movies. I know some of you love wicked Summer heat but I am not in that group.



Susan said…
I'm with you! Fall is my favorite, the deep rich colors are so warming and welcoming. It is coming, days are shorter and before long the shadows will lengthen.
I like the planter with the daisies and ornamental cabbage!
Susan said…
The heat is oppressive and I'm looking forward to Fall too. A nice early cold snap would be appreciated.
Guillaume said…
Yeah I am already getting in the mood. Might start reading horror stories now actually, since I just finished The Invisible Man (which is a horror story itself, in a way). And the temperatures feel almost autumnal here.
Megs said…
Longing for fall!
Unknown said…
No humidity or smoke here, but I am over the heat. It is hot here. Not a fan of the wicked Summer heat at all! There is nothing like the scents and colors of Fall. Summer can't compare. We are halfway through Summer though, so there is that. Each day that we wake up we have one less day of Summer to contend with. Hang in there, it's coming.
mlw33 said…
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mlw33 said…
AMEN! I hate summer and cannot see it end soon enough! More than ready for all the wonderful Fall things, especially the gorgeous weather!
Valerie said…
My post retirement job is as a pool cleaner--pretty good, in terms of being outside, wearing just a tank top and shorts, and NO ONE bothering you (I spent 40 years mostly in front of a computer). These last few days have been incendiary!