Halloween Decorations

I haven't made Halloween decorations in years but I am back to it this year.  Everything you see in stores is really junk and it all looks the same.  I hit some thrift stores and picked up candlesticks for around 5.00 a pair.  Then I pulled out my beads ad charms and went to work and turned them into something to decorate a Halloween mantel or table.  It's a great project to do inside on these screeching hot days!

You can find summer column candles on sale right now too.

I glued beads and added trim around the candlesticks.  Add a little paint here and there and you have a decoration that is much different than anything you can find in the stores and a whole lot cheaper too. On a mantel surrounded by leaves and pumpkins, these will look very nice.

I've also started on some witch hats. None of them are finished but I add a bit to them each day and these will be so fun when they are done.

Acorns, leaves and sunflowers.

And velvet pumpkins. 


Mary V said…
I love your hats!
Susan said…
Great creative Halloween decor. So unique and excellent quality.
Unlike anything we see in the stores.
DrumMajor said…
The Ws need little Halloween hats. They're already pumpkin color! Linda in Kansas
Guillaume said…
Absolutely gorgeous. I'm tempted to take my decorations out too.
Unknown said…
Yeah, most of the decorations you see in the stores are cheaply made, mass produced junk made in China. Some of it is cute but a lot of it isn't. I still have tons of Halloween decorations from years past that doesn't look as cheaply made as some of the stuff they make today. I love those witches hats.
Laura said…
i love that hat! it is so beautiful! i agree about the stuff in stores being boring and cheap. i'm trying not to buy anything that isn't ooak or small business.
stay cool!
love & magicks

ps...hugs to the pups!