The Glorious Fall Colors

We drove up to Amish country to attend a pottery festival but we really went to enjoy the Fall foliage.  

Though it was a gloomy and overcast day, the leaves did not disappoint.

We saw more houses and barns decorated than ever before.  It seems like everyone celebrates Fall.

It was Saturday morning so buggies were everywhere.

Amish corn stacks.

We stopped at this farm which sells very cheap pumpkins and gourds. Many came home with us.

 I always think that someone who has only seen Fall leaves in photos and paintings must think they are embellished.  It's hard to wrap your head around the beauty.

A perfect fall setting.

Becomes even more perfect.

If only you could hear the clop, clop, clop as the buggies pass by.

It was a glorious Saturday morning.


Perfect autumnal ambience!
Leanne said…
I love your trips out that you share with us.
Guillaume said…
Perfect autumn day. Love the pictures.
Unknown said…
Beautiful pictures and the rain only made it more so. And of course buying lots of pumpkins and gourds is mandatory on a perfect Fall day like the one you had on Saturday.