Thanksgiving Prep Begins

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and I like to get as much done in advance as possible.  I bought a huge turkey and roasted it on Friday.  I carved it and saved all of the white meat for The W's and used the rest to make my Thanksgiving gravy, which I freeze.  This gave me eight quarts of some of the best turkey gravy!

I also canned my cranberry sauce.  I ran out of jars so my husband got a container of the un-canned leftovers to eat on his oatmeal.  It's his favorite time of the year.  No one ever returns my canning jars, do you have the same problem? I am going to make a second batch of this as soon as I get more jars.

I made a loaf of our "daily bread" in between these other tasks.  Tomorrow will be the pie crust making marathon.  I am always so happy when I have pie crusts in the freezer.  Do you prepare things in advance.


Cranberry sauce on oatmeal -- what a delicious idea!
Mary Bolton said…
Yes, but not as far as you. May adopt the idea for getting the turkey done early!
Mary V said…
A shame you do not live close I have a cellar full of jars, I no longer do canning, When I did the neighbors never got more relishes unless they returned the jars!
Megs said…
Yes, love to make crusts, cookie logs, broth, for the freezer for pulling out when needed.
The jar struggle is real.
Marcia said…
I had turkey broth frozen since last Christmas that I used last week for soup. Does that count for making it ahead? I didn't follow what you did with the dark meat of the turkey.
Linda said…
I started two weeks ago. There will only be the two of us, and I won't have an elaborate meal, but my back and low energy will not allow me to stand more than a few minutes at a time. I roasted a turkey breast and froze it. I will have thigh and leg meat for flavor and for the giblet gravy. I made a bag of fresh cranberries to freeze. I baked sweet potatoes, took them from skin and froze four huge Beauregard sweet potatoes. They are so sweet they need no sugar. I will make roux for gravy this week. The week of Thanksgiving, I will boil eggs for gravy, and make green bean casserole and pumpkin pie and call it good for Thanksgiving.

I even cooked black-eyed peas for NYE in case I am feeling unwell and do not want to cook them.

When I sold jars of pepper jelly, people commented about the price, saying it was too high as they bought it. I offered to buy back the jars. Only one person ever brought back the jar for a refund. So, people are not interested in returning a jar even for When anyone gave me a jar of anything, when I finished with the contents, I washed the jar, put a piece of paper in the jar with their name on it, and set it on the counter in my way so I would not forget. People commented that they never got their jars back. When I moved here, Tommy had canning jars, Tupperware and even dishes of mine that he had no idea were mine! I reclaimed it all.
jaz@octoberfarm said…
i used some of the darrk meat from the turkey to make the stock for the gravy. i took the two legs with meat falling off the bones and as tender as can be and put them over jasmine rice with a bowl of sesame oil mixed with salt and pepper for dipping. it is our favorite Korean way to eat turkey!
Karen said…
Any chance for your gravy recipe? My gravey is usually tasteless !
jaz@octoberfarm said…
just type thanksgiving gravy tutorial into my sidebar and it will take you to the recipe!
Laura said…
woah. that's a lot. i'm still trying to decide if i'm cooking this year or not. :-)
love & magicks

ps...hugs to the puppers!
Bee Haven Bev said…
This year... a strange year... none of our kiddos will be in town. it will be a very quiet Thanksgiving for us. Usually, I prepare ahead... it usually takes the better part of the week getting all of the food ready!