
 Winnie's doctors sent this right before she went into surgery.  My brave little girl. Willie is beside himself over her not being home.  So am I.  I spent the entire day turning the house into a rehab unit.  She will come home this morning and we will start the lengthy process of getting her into shape. These guys really break our hearts.

I will be blogging sporadically until we all settle into our new routine. 


Best wishes to Winnie for a speedy recovery! Thinking of you too -- be strong!
Mary V said…
Love the cap on Winnie’s head…a Vet with a sense of humor.
Linda said…
I just woke up and I was trying to process the whole picture-dog in surgical cap? Then, I realized it was a vet who knew how worried you would be. Cute.
Guillaume said…
Get well soon Winnie! Or, as my son would say, get well now!
Leanna said…
Poor little baby girl. Hope for a fast full recovery. One good thought about this is there isn't a holiday that will interfere with Winnie's recovery time. You can devote all your time to the puppies. Poor wee baby girl.
Megs said…
Speedy recovery to dear Winnie!
DrumMajor said…
Hope she and your family recover quickly, but not move too quickly, right? Linda in Kansas
kmkat said…
She is a beautiful dog, but I have to ask. After 5 chows tore their ACLs, why do you persist in getting chows?