My Hero and My President


Say what you want about President Biden but I've never seen one white guy be this loyal to two Black people. 

Had Obama's back every day for 8 years to make sure yall wouldn't stab him in it and stood in front of Kamala Harris for 4 years and took every shot only to step aside for her to take the spotlight in crunch time.

We'll never get another dude this real. - BlackKnight10K




Mary V said…
I Totally agree, thank you Joe for your years of service to our country.
What America COULD be without racists.
Megs said…
So rare to find someone in politics who is humble.
Guillaume said…
He made mistakes, but Joe Biden is a good man.
T. Rose said…
I am grateful he will get to focus on his Presidency and not have to hit the campaign trail.
He is the best. Thanks for sharing this.