I bought more pumpkins yesterday. I think this type is called a Cinderella pumpkin.

Soon my gardens will be filled with pumpkins, hay and cornstalks.

These white pumpkins are elegant and haunting.

This is the first time I've found a large white one.

I am not sure what this type is called but it will make a good Jack O'Lantern.

This is the little iron chair I found at a thrift store a while back. The moment I saw it I knew it would hold a pumpkin perfectly.

Pumpkins on the planters.

Part of yesterday's harvest. I am getting lots of these long eggplants.

I added some ornamental cabbages to the arrangement.

I found this at a thrift store over the weekend for 8.00. It is an old metal decal box. It probably was used in a hardware store.

It shows five sizes but only has four. It has every original piece and many decals.

I organized it after I brought it home. It also has numbers and punctuation marks.

These are the four sizes.
As we wind down the time before Halloween, I am going to try to post one memory I have of Halloween each day. This is going to be interesting because I can hardly remember what happened last week. If anyone would like to share their Halloween memories, leave them in the comment section.
One of my most vivid memories is receiving homemade treats from neighbors on our street. I remember my mother making taffy apples and remember getting caramel apples and cookies. I don't think anyone does that anymore.
I do make treats for my friend's kids for Halloween. Last year I made them bat shaped rice krispie treats. This year I am going to make them meringue ghost cookies.
That metal box with decals is fantastic! I don´t think I´ve ever seen anyone before!
Since we don´t really celebrate Halloween here I don´t have any memories from it. But a couple of years ago a couple of kids came to my door saying Trick or treat. I was a bit embarresed whan I only had two apples at home to give them:-) :-)
have a great day now!
I never have seen white pumpkins before ! Oh beauties ! That have a ghostly feeling to them, right !
Decals !!! So much fun to play with !
Memory #1: I always got double treats on Halloween because it was my birthday. But I do have one bad memory. One Halloween night while we were all scurrying from house to house, I was lagging behind and this very nasty big German Shepherd dog bit my butt! Seriously, I screeched and ran. When I got back home, my Mom told me that he grabbed quite a bite including a piece of my clothing right through to my underwear. I never went to that place again for Halloween treats!!
Oh, I love the story from Autumnforest!! I alos love this blog!! Love your pumpkins too.
One Halloween night as we were all scurrying from house to house, giggling and happy with our bag of loot, I was lagging behind. A big German Shepherd dog bit me hard on the butt! He bit right through all my clothes including my underwear. I was about 7 or 8 years old. But I didn't go home until the night of 'trick or treating' was all over. AND, I never went back to that house anymore for treats.
memory: being about my youngest son's age and my mom putting lipstick and stuffing a bra for me to go trick or treat'n like a grown up. I felt all grown up but probably looked stupid.
Trick OR Treat!!?