Long long ago, I made this haunted house for my kids.

The lights are actually ghosts.

This visited my children's classrooms every year at Halloween.

The cemetery is rather ghoulish.

No wonder my kids are sort of weird!

This guy has been hanging here a long time.

There is a Halloween tree in the side yard.

Fatal bobbing for apples.

The button on the wall plays scary music when pushed.

The table is set for a party.

Notice the glasses of spilled milk? Click to enlarge.

A bloody hand rises out of the bubbling cauldron.

Halloween cookies, material and a pattern for costumes and marshmallows on sticks.

Smoke coming out of the chimney and a gargoyle perched on the roof.

This dog always scared my kids. The devil dog with the red eyes.

The wallpaper in the dining room is covered with skeletons.

Jack O'Lantern plates and pumpkin pies.

Anyone want to bob for apples?

A dead body was here. See the blood?

A lone set of eyes peers out of the window.
More haunted house photos tomorrow!
*Halloween Memories: One of the best parts of Halloween was dumping all of your candy out on the floor and sorting through it. We always counted out the candy bars to see who scored the most.
have a great day now!
Love the Severance song...hope you don't mind if I borrow for my playlist...good and moody! ;D
I just want to play with it:) I love the table settings and little food. Marshmallows on roasting sticks, adorable!
Coffee is on.
Yep, dumping the candy on the floor, then my Mom and Dad got first dibs and we would trade candy with each other. There were 5 of us, so there was lots to trade. My big sister always wanted all my candy corn, which I gladly handed over I wanted her Mary Janes!!
That is just INCREDIBLE detail! Wow.
I'm just dumbfounded by in your talent. You have some very lucky kids. :)