Fall Trip Giveaway

I am not really giving away a Fall trip, just things I picked up along the way on my Fall trip! This is the assembled basket.

I drove through Westfield, New York and picked up some grape juice concentrate from Welch's. Their headquarters and plant is located there. You mix the concentrate with sparkling water and boy oh boy is it goooood!!! I also bought some wine jelly from a local vineyard.

Maple syrup from Chautauqua, New York.

Barley sugar lollipops from Maine.

Some old fashioned candy and gum from The General Store in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Maple sugar candy

A twig pencil

Cranberry soap

A magnet with a pic of a famous Norman Rockwell painting.

Blueberry jam from Stonewall Kitchens.

A bag of cranberry salt water taffy made in Rockport, Mass..

And it is all packed in this cute basket I bought in Maine.

This is the town where I bought a bunch of the items.

I always stop here on my trips.

This is the town that Norman Rockwell made famous in many of his paintings.

There are cute little alleys filled with restaurants and shops.

Wonderful old buildings

Lots of arts and crafts shops

This is the charming little country store.

It looks like something out of my childhood.

They still sell penny candy. While I was there a bunch of little kids came in and were buying it. I remember going to the store with a dime to buy candy. I am not THAT old either!

To win the baskets just sign on as a follower and leave a comment.

If you already follow me, just leave a comment describing your favorite small town.

Please also mention the giveaway on your blog.

The famous Red Lion Inn.

Enter only once by midnight, Friday, October 23.

I will pick the winner by using a random number drawer.

The winner will be announced on Saturday morning. The time will depend on how early I can drag my blog tech(son) out of bed.

I still have more Salem pics to post in the next few days. Those of you that are using them for home schooling purposes, I promise to get them up soon.

And I will be doing a Halloween giveaway which I will announce next weekend! I had so much fun doing the Mrs.'s B's giveaway that I thought this just might add to the festivities of my favorite season.


Sharon Day said…
I can't even imagine the stories I could write if I went there! I'd be inspired for sure. As soon as I get published, I'm definitely going to write on location for my future stories. Cranberry taffy? What's soooo wicked! One of my favorite flavors--never knew they made it into taffy. I'll have to see if I can find that one online. I'm so glad you had such a magical getaway. Enter me. Fingers crossed! :-)
Marjorie said…
Hi Jaz, I am already a follower and I will mention your giveaway on my blog. My favorite place (I can't narrow it down to one small town since there are too many quaint little towns in this area to mention) is Lancaster County, PA. Fortunately my parents and brother live there so I get to visit often!
~*~Aria~*~ said…
What a lovely giveaway! I'm so strange, what I want most is the basket*laughs*

I think my favorite small town is Holidaysburg, PA*partially because it's one of the other small towns I can think of*. My great Aunt and Uncle had a home there(which they've given my grandma to live in now) and we'd visit through the year. On main street there are a bunch of little shops, including a penny candy store. I'd go in with all the money I had saved up and I'd buy candy for everyone. I never liked sweets very much but I always was excited to spend my money there!
~*~Aria~*~ said…
Oh dear, Bloggers seems to have eaten my post! I shall try this again.

This is a very lovely give-away, count me in :3 I'm absolutely in love with that little basket and am already imagining skeins of yarn in it. Also loving the cranberry soap.

I'm not sure I have a favorite small town, but I have one that holds happy memories. Holidaysburg, PA is where my grandma now lives. Growing up she lived with me and my dad, we'd travel to visit her family and stay in Holidaysburg. Main street has a penny candy store and several small shops, toys and all sorts of cute things. I'd go in with all the change I had saved up from cans and the like and would buy everyone candy. I never really liked sweets but I've always loved to shop!

I am sad that penny candy is so rare anymore, should my friends have children, I fully intend to go on an adventure to take them to a penny candy shop!
~*~Aria~*~ said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birgit said…
Hi there,

I am already following your blog -- gotta love your photos and reading about your travels. :) As for a favorite little town, well, there are a couple of them in the American West. Even as a tourist, it was easy to feel "at home" there. My favorite is probably Julian, CA. I was there with my mom, my American friend Pam, and her mother-in-law. We had such a fantastic time in that little town, checking out the stores and enjoying a delicious lunch in a family restaurant. Julian is famous for its apples -- and yummy apples it had! :)

Of course, there are also nice villages in Germany. :)

Greetings from Munich
and thanks for organizing such a great giveaway,
Anet said…
Oooo... such fabulous, yummy treats in your basket. Noah is drooling over the maple syrup and the maple candy!
My favorite small town would be Mackinaw Island in Upper Michigan. You get there by boat and can only get around the Island by bike or horse carriage.

Thanks for the Home schooling photos:)
Yart said…
I am already a follower of your blog. Really, I don't have a favorite small town. All small towns are unique in their own way. Whether it is the architecture or just the people, small towns have a way of growing on me. ;O)
How very thoughtful of you!!! Thanks for the basket and all the lovely pictures, count me in! :)

My favorite small town is Bath, England. I love this town. I rarely make a trip to the UK without stopping here. It is a crescent city (most of the streets are crescent shaped rather than straight lines.) Of course there are the baths and lovely chapel outside with the angels climbing up and down ladders carved in the front.

Shops everywhere selling all kinds of tempting goodies. There is a pub (it has changed names several times) to up and to the left of the chapel that we go to for lunch. I sit in there with a pint and write out all my postcards to my friends and family back home.

Although Edinburgh, Scotland is my real home (in my heart at least), this would be my second choice. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share and read what other bloggers had to say.

Anonymous said…
I am definitely blogging about this! What a beautiful giveaway :)
already a follower ...and I really dont know what my favorite small town would be ive pretty much stayed in the same area most of my life
Since I´m living on the other side of the ocean I woun´t participate in this, but I can still tell You something about my favourite village. But how it was there for over thirty years ago.

The little village is called Jonsered and is placed some miles outside the big city Gotheburg. This village was a mix of swedish cottages and english town houses, since the family that owned the big factory there, origined from England.

The first thing one noticed when comming in to the village was two grocery stores on the right side, just beside the big mountine rising up in the air. One was private owned and also a funeral buissness. The other was a cooperative store and they also sold medicine :-) On the left side of the town there were the homes for them working in the factory.

Half way through the village there was a candy/tobacko shop, just beside the end stop for the bus. When we travelled to Jonsered by bus (because we had a little cottage there) we always bought an ice cream either to eat on our way to the cottage or one when waiting for the bus to go home.

Just before leaving the village on the other side there was a petrol station on the left side (they too sold candy and tobacko) and there were also a diner much like the ones You have in the US but that are really rare over here. The owner had a big german sheperd that loved children, so mostly I stayed with him if my parents was going in to the diner :-) :-)

Nowdays the village looks much the same, but the diner is gone, the factory closed and the candy/tobacko shop by the bus stop is gone I´ve heard. But in my mind it´ll always stay the same.

If I remember I´ll go there and take some pictures when going home from Gothenburg.
Have a great day now!
magikalseasons said…
Wow! You are super sweet for having such a thoughtful giveaway! You've let us come along and enjoy your wonderful trip through pictures and now you offer us up a real taste! Count me in! :) Becca
My favortite town well here in Michigan I really love Grand Haven on the shore of Lake Michigan. There are so many though hard to pick!
Anonymous said…
Looks like your trip was fabulous! I follow your blog in my Google reader! I was just in Independence, MO, last weekend and it was a charming smaller town. I say smaller because anything within sight of downtown Kansas City, Missouri, can't be *that* small. :)

Krissy said…
What a fun trip!
I 'm a follower already and my favorite town would have to be Carmel, California. It's a magical place. My dad lived there for a while growing up and my parents bought their first house there so I have some family ties to the area. (Not that we could live there now as much as I'd love to, the tiniest house-which is maybe the size of a room-is over a million dollars..even with the economy!)
It's a beach town with beautiful upscale art galleries and stores(nowadays), but it's still a small town. The ocean there is a teal/aqua color that shimmers like pixie dust has been thrown in it even on the cloudiest of days.
My favorite store is also there (a store my dad helped the guy with the legal issues of buying it 30 or so years ago) and has a path along the side of the building which leads to the "secret garden" out back.
Anonymous said…
I love your trip - the architecture just enthralls me!

One of my favorite towns is Williamsburg. Yes, I know it is so...commercial yet I can just picture walking down the street with a market basket on my arm, listening to my skirts swish as I walk.
C in DC said…
I'm a new follower. You visited two of my favorite places - western NY (where I'm from) and western MA (where I went to college). Thanks for the memories. One of my new favorite places is Harpers Ferry, WV.
Kristen Eaton said…
What lovely (and yummy) items!

My favorite small town might be Doolin, in Co. Clare, Ireland. It's only really got two or three streets, but has four pubs, great sessions, and an incredible landscape.
Hello and thank you for the invite, I can't wait to jump deeper into your blog!

As far as my favorite teeny tiny town... there are too many to choose from, but Sugarcreek Ohio and Lancaster PA are on my top favorites list in my neck of the woods.

Please enter me in your contest and THANK you for sharing mine with your readers too!
Divaeva said…
WOw - looks like a fantastic trip! Hmmm..my favorite small town that comes to mind this very moment is a little town called Shelburn Falls, Massachussetts. They have "the bridge of flowers" in the spring and summer...The pot holes - which I could just sit and listen to the runningf water for hours...small shops including a glass art studio that lets you watch as they are creating...and in the fall - the trip up the mountain to Shelburn Falls is a color kaleidoscope not to be missed!
francine said…
erin said…
all of those cranberry things sound soo amazing :)
i visited a cute little town when i took a roadtrip to see a show. we stayed in monroe, michigan and they had a cute town square with the coolest lilypad fountain! they also had a sign for where the town's whipping post used to stand :)

i am already a blog follower. yay!
TMCPhoto said…
My favourite little town has to be Lacombe AB mainly because it's where my parents live and when I'm there I'm spending time with my Mom and that's a little piece of heaven. Second favourite is Fort Langley BC, it's full of antique shops, artisans and shops and some really funky coffee houses.
Zabet said…
My favorite small town is my own hometown. Just a pop of around 800 people, filled with family and with love. Plus one of the most gorgeous natural salmon rivers with waterfalls and swimming holes
Looks like you had a great trip. I absolutely love salt water taffy, so I must win this give-a-way.
Watcher said…
I am a follower! My favorite small town is Elk River, MN. which isn't really that small, but I liked it when I lived there.
The Traveler said…
What an awesome tip. Great pictures. Someday I'm going to get to that side of the country for the fall. Someday. There aren't a lot of small towns out here, but my favorite would have to be Cambria California. It's a little beach town, but it's surrounded by pine trees and most the people work at a local mill. It's really cute and just off hwy 1. I've had some of the best vacations of my life there and have even had the ocean, trees, and snow all together!
MJ Ornaments said…
I already follower your lovely blog, and really enjoy all your amazing photos. My favorite small town would have to be where I grew up in Camarillo, CA. Although it's not really small anymore, I remember it as a kid, and loved the miles of lemon orchards and trees surrounding our home, and the closeness to the beach. Take care, Martha
Wendy said…
I'm quite jealous of you. I'm from Massachusetts (and old New England blood). When my husband and I moved to Delaware (because of the Air Force), we made sure to drive home at least once a year (sometimes twice) for the past 10 years.

Also, I've been all over New England and it is my favorite place in the WORLD.

At the moment, we're in South Korea. Then hoping to head to Germany.

But someday, we're retiring back to Massachusetts and home-sweet-New England with all its goodies!

It looks like you really enjoyed your trip and the photos of Salem brought back wonderful memories, so thank you for sharing!
Mother Moon said…
you are such a dear to share so much of your fantastic trip with us. Not only in photos which may I say some I simply love and would love to hang on my wall, but also in the gifts you brought home and give away to us... Thank you so much for your generosity. I love many small towns as I grew up in rural Oklahoma and they are everywhere... I think what I like the most was those cool fall friday evenings when everyone in town could be found at the local football field watching the game... The smell of popcorn, hotdogs and a glass of pickle juice.... Although I am a lover of small towns in general. The simpleness is so unique... the stories, the people... life at its best.
liz said…
Love your blog.My favorite town is where my husband grew up Lebanon Ohio. The golden lamb is there it is the oldest inn and restaurant in Ohio est. 1802. the current structure was built in 1815 by Ichabod Corwin the first settler in Lebanon in 1796. 12 presidents have stayed there.USA Today called Lebanon the ten great places to browse for antiques.
Lucie Le Blanc said…
No need to tell you I am a fan ! I'll do a post about your giveaway. My readers know you well by now. ;)

My favorite small town is in Gaspesie, along the St-Lawrence estuary, almost on the Atlantic. It is called Grande-Vallée (big valley) and is a typical fishermans small town. We used to go there once or twice a year to relax, enjoy the power of the sea and fish. I made my man promise me we would go next summer. ;)
Danni said…
My favourite small town is New Hope, Pennsylvania. I would have said Asbury Park, NJ since it's very near and dear to me... but that's more of a city. ;)

I love New Hope's quaint charm, small bungalo style houses line shady streets and the very center of town is a bustle of activity. The entire stretch of Main St is lined with small businesses that peddle everything from garden crafts, to ice cream, to vinyls to witchy goods. No Walmarts here, just artisans and people with dreams. :)
Judith said…
LOL well, I'm already a follower, and I always comment.... so... pick me, pick me.... (jumping up and down in excitement!) GIGGLE
Blyn said…
I am a new follower and your blog is lovely. I so want to visit there. Please enter me in your contest it may be the only way I will get some of the east coast...thank you for the chance. Blyn
Ouray, CO is a charmer! So quaint and tucked into a safe little spot between mountains. June Lake, CA is sweet, too, though more rustic and less romantic.

What lovely photos you shared!
brokenteepee said…
I'll get it up on my blog tomorrow. You know I follow...

My favorite small town is probably New Hope, Pa. I haven't been there in a long time.

But I also like Rockport Me. And West Yellowstone, Mt. and man, I could go on.

Thanks for such a cool giveaway.
brokenteepee said…
Oh, my mother's birthday is Oct. 23rd. She would have been 76 this year...
Hilary said…
I already follow your blog and would love to be entered for this wonderful giveaway. I live in Pennsylvania. I live in a super small town and am surrounded by small towns. The nearest city is 2 hours away so I'm pretty much a fan of all these small towns since it's all I really know.
I'm just stopping by to say that I just love West Stockbridge, such a charming village for a visit and a stroll. Great giveaway too - best wishes to all entries!
Jenna Gayle said…
My favorite little town is probably Dahlonega, Ga, the "Gateway to the Appalachian Mountains." The first major gold rush was in that area and they have a beautiful gold covered dome in the middle of the old town. It's on the National Historical register and there are many old Native Burial grounds to see! I have a lot of family there, though it has been quite some time since I've made the trip.
William Bezek said…
My favorite small town is Chagrin Falls, Ohio at Christmas time. It looks like one of those cute little Victorian villages made from porcelain that every one has. Walking the beautifully decorated town square has the same feel as Jimmy Stewart's hometown (Bedford Falls) in "It's a Wonderful Life".
Anonymous said…
I love Saint Augustine and Savannah. Due to your pictures I have a few new places I want to visit. Thank you.
Lynelle said…
I'm a follower, and I would love to be counted in your giveaway.

I visited Salem a few years ago for Halloween. I was visiting friends in Boston and we took the train. It was amazing. I live in LA now, but I'm a small town girl at heart, so the small town flavor of Salem really charmed me. Plus, all of the history! I just loved it. We only spent one night, but I'm desperate to spend a week some day.
wendy wallach said…
I am now following your blog and My favorite small town is Deadwood, South Dakota. It has a great history and charm and there is always something going on.

madamerkf at aol dot com
i want to live in any of these towns you have highlighted. especially salem.
sign me up for the giveaway!!!!
WitchyWriter said…
Ohhhh, I just looked at your pictures. I miss New England so much. I lived in Lenox Massachusetts on the border of Lee. I went to Stockbridge almost daily. I worked in Great Barrington. Seeing your photo of the Red Lion Inn made me want to pack up and move back.

Something else we have in common--Chows. We had Chows for years. I adore them.
Oh...count me in too Jaz! I love these photos, and I'm now going to go research West Stockbridge and see about traveling there either at Christmas time or perhaps next year on our Autumn trip. So lovely! One of my favorite towns is Woodstock, Vermont. It's quaint and so beautiful during the Fall. I'll post some pics one day soon. Thanks for sharing all these great photos! :o)
Anonymous said…
In my excitement I forgot to name my favorite town. It's a toss up between Great Barrington, Egremont, Stockbridge, Lee and Lenox Massachusetts. If I have to call it I would say Egremont. I spent my summers there with my grandparents. I remember wading in the icy waters of Green River with my mother. I still have that photo.
~Wendy~ said…
I guess I am a bit too late to be in the drawing. I came over for it when I saw your comment! Not having had the pleasure of having been to many small towns, I guess I would say that Cambria, California is mine. Cambria is on the California coast, in central California. My husband and I love it there. We even spent our Honeymoon there. It also has two wonderful old cemeteries!

The Gothic Tea Society