Vintage Halloween

Remember these from the 50's? Maybe not. Maybe I am the oldest person in the world. I wish I had saved mine because these sure cost a lot now.

I had so many of these and now one of these sells for around 100.00.

This is a game piece.

These old Halloween clickers sell for around 30.00. If it has a witch on it then it costs a lot more.

An old metal noisemaker.

It is very rare to find pieces this old and still intact.

The crepe paper is in such good shape because these were prtobably packed away and rarely used.

This is an old German Halloween game. It translates as "witch's dance".

Two vintage witches stirring their cauldrons while scratching their black cats.

This is a rare vintage fortune telling game. In perfect shape these can sell for hundreds of dollars.

If you are hungry for Italian check out the post below.


greekwitch said…
I love the fortune telling game. Well i love every fortune telling game, add a witch and i 'm ecstatic!
By the way, i just ate an omellette with cheese and peppers and ham in a tortilla wrap just two hours ago. Then i had the bad idea to check your previous post aand now i am hungry again!
You should be ashamed of yourself! You are too good a cook to post pictures! There should be laws about that stuff!lol
Brightest blessings!
Suzie said…
I too am kicking myself because I had a lot of those novelty candles that one bought in the dime store. .yes, in the 50's, so we'd pretty much balance out on the age scales! lol

You have some of the other things that I used to have, and I see others when we go antiquing. I wistfully look at the treasures, and tell my hubs, "I used to have one of those. . ."

But you have many other treats that I've never seen before, so it is not only a lovely trip down memory lane, but one of fun new discoveries too!

I LOVE them all!!!
Anonymous said…
I remember the old crepe paper decorations! I think my mother still has some from when I was a kid, boy I'll bet those are moth eaten about now. LOL. I really want that board game! Cool stuff!
Anet said…
They just don't make em like they use to!
I'd love a Halloween game, how fun would that be?!
I still have my old plastic pumpkin with a black cat light from the 60's.
William Bezek said…
Nice collection! Are you in the market for more?...I have too many and much of it is rare!
Mother Moon said…
what memories.. I know the clackers... and the witch and pumpkin and the cat noisemakers.. Yet I was a 60's child.... what wonderful memories they bring back.....
Laura said…
you have some of the neatest things...

brokenteepee said…
I remember the witches and the black cats but I was born in '59 so I missed most of the 50ies.
Divaeva said…
Wow - what an amazing collection! I remember that witch with the crepe paper legs - we had pumpkin heads too...but using them every year growing up took their toll on them! Isn't it amazing the things we should have saved - had I only been the pack rat I am today back then - I would be a rich woman! *grin*
I recall those noise maker during Halloween. I would guess I had one.

Coffee is on.
Those are all so cool, what a great collection.

Brialee said…
Hopping on over from Mrs. B's, so glad to have this blog brought to my attention - Love it!!