*Halloween memories: I remember waiting for what seemed like hours to leave the house to trick or treat. My costumes were almost always the kind with the plastic masks. Those masks were comfortable for maybe 5 minutes and then your breath started condensing on the plastic which made your face wet and the elastic band would dig into the back of your head and get caught in your hair. None of this slowed me down much though.
Teddy Update: Teddy has Lyme disease. And I diagnosed it. Oh boy......I can't tell you how frustrating this has been. Six different doctors saw her and no one connected the symptoms. One vet ran the test but it came out negative. It doesn't show up in her blood work because she is in the acute phase. The main symptoms of Lyme disease are high temps, lameness and lethargy, all of which she has. The super duper vet hospital, state of the art and all that did not even run the Lyme disease test on the blood they took because she is on Frontline. Guess what? Dogs get Lyme disease even when you use Frontline. So, now we are on a two week course of antibiotics and crossing our fingers that this does not become chronic. Thank you all again for all of your very nice well wishes for her.
Brightest Blessings,
Great pictures today! I do like the weathervane and the Indian corn!
Have a great day now!
Love the pictures of your yard, amazing my dear, you should be proud!! Thanks for sharing.
I hear you on the Halloween costume....broght back memories of plastic masks :)
I'm so envious that you have leaves. Down here it's still 90 degree's so... there won't be any foilage for me to view.
The Indian corn looks like pearls : it is gorgeous.
She was about 10 I think... if I remember correctly.
yeah I was perfectly content living up north, mom decided florida would be better... im disagreeing now.
I remember those plastic masks and costumes. I only had to wear them a year or two before the fact that they were too flammable, took them off the shelves. No more wet faces after that!
I am glad you have figured out what is wrong with Teddy and I hope the antibiotics work.
Glad you have found out what is wrong with Teddy and hope she will now recover - give her a hug from her friends in Norway.
About the Indian corn: in Québec, we used to have a tradition, to peel the corn with the neighbourhood, in a party/gathering that we called "épluchettes". If there was a black corn in the bunch, the one who found it had the right to kiss the person he liked.
Would you mind sharing your recipe for the shepherds pie? I've misplaced mine and would rather ask someone whose (tried & true) made it before?
Opal Moon Enchantments
Save me a piece of that cake...
This is the blog that I found out about it from:
I love your witchy things! You have wonderful decorating tastes, it is simply gorgeous!