An Amish Giveaway and Pasta Fagioli

The winner of this past weeks giveaway for the Fall/Halloween decorations is: Rox

I put together a basket full of Amish things from the trip for this weeks giveaway. It is filled with all sorts of goodies I picked up on the trip.

To enter: leave a comment on this post. If you are not already a follower, sign on to follow.

This book full of Amish information is included in the basket. The winner will be announced next Saturday morning and a new giveaway will be posted at that time. Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you enter.

My daughter requested that I make some pasta fagioli. When my kids were young they always ordered this at their favorite Italian restaurant. The day I made it the temps zoomed back to the 80's. It was still excellent even with the hot temps.

I missed a few of the first pics. I started by frying 4 oz. of pancette in a bit of olive oil. Then I add a large diced onion, 5 cloves of diced garlic, 4 T. of diced fresh rosemary and sprinkled in some red pepper flakes. Saute' this until the onions soften. Add two large cans of diced tomatoes. Muir Glen is my favorite brand. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add 3 or 4 cans of beans. I used assorted beans and lentils. Add 3 bay leaves. Then add 3 quarts of beef stock.

The secret to a good fagioli or almost any soup for that matter is this; cheese rind. I always save and freeze the rinds from all of my cheeses. In this recipe I used 4 large pieces of Parmesan rind. It holds together but really adds flavor to the soup. Remove after cooking and discard.

Simmer the soup over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Choose the pasta you want to use. I used small shells. You want to use a pasta that will pick up some of the ingredients with each spoonful.

Give the soup a good stir.

Then bring the soup to a boil.

Add the uncooked pasta. Turn the heat down and simmer for 2 minutes. Then turn the heat off, stir and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

I stirred in a bit if Maggi for added flavor. Taste it and see what it needs. You can also add some beef bouillon for added punch.

Chop us some fresh kale and stir it into the soup. Add a cup of fresh parsley too.

Cover and let it sit until the kale has softened but still has a bit of a bite to it. I just need some cold weather and some toasted garlic bread. And a sprinkling of grated Parmesan for the top!


Wow - that soup looks good. Cheese with rinds? Huh, I don't buy good cheeses lol. I'm very interested in this giveaway...although I did just win a basket from you - and my kids and I are still falling in love with it all. :D That book about the amish and menonites, your trip looked wonderful.
Yum, Yum. I'm so happy for a new soup recipe. Pasta Fagioli is one of my favorites. I have a recipe that is 1000 years old, can you imagine. Now I want the weather to get cold. Did I just say that!
That soup looks wonderful! I would love to enter your Amish Basket of goodies giveaway. I'm a longtime follower!!
Sharlene T. said…
Congratulations, Roz. Enjoy!

Nothing better than a Pasta Fagioli on a cool Autumn night... Yummy! Great instructions... You wanna come over and give me some first-class lessons (Oh! You could bring Teddy, too, if you were so inspired...)
Sarah Sullivan said…
Ooooooooh yummmm! Thank you for the recipe!! Perfect for a chilly fall day!!
I have had a facination with the Amish most of my adult please add me to the wonderful giveaway..will post a link on my blog.
Congrats to Rox!!! Whooot!!!
Hugs, Sarah
JulieF1962 said…
Your soup looks delicious! Please count me in on the chance to win the Amish basket!
Heather said…
Ooh that looks yummy!!
Robin Larkspur said…
First, congrats on winning a crazy dog tshirt over at Mrs. B's. I would like to enter in your giveaway for the Amish trip gift basked of which I would truly like to win!!
Sea Gypsy said…
Mmmmmm...that soup looks to die for! I haven't even had breakfast yet and you've got me hungry for dinner..ha!

I would love a chance to win that beautiful basket of Amish goodies, please.

Have a magical Autumn weekend!
Leanna said…
Oh my goodness!!! That looks absolutely wonderful. I have to try it.
Oooh! My mom would love this giftbasket; we're close family friends with a Mennonite family in Lancaster, and my mom is basically an expert on Amish/Mennonite culture! Count me in :)
What a beautiful blog you have! The soup looks so inviting. I am now a follower of yours, and I am so glad i found it. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Blessings, linda
YUM is right. love muir glen too...
they are the best. that soup looks wonderful. and remember i was telling you about my A16 cookbook. well, his favorite soup broth is made with CHEESE RINDS !!! my mom made such a good minestrone and she always added cranberry beans and the cheese rind. it had to have the cheese..that's what made it so good.

back into the 80's here too. dern it all. what's the deal? at least i can hear my cornstalks rustling in the wind....
( Teddy is asleep on my lap)
brokenteepee said…
I always save my rinds too. heh

I am making ketchup today. I have been making cider all week. The press has been put to good use!
Faerie Sage said…
Love the recipes you share, just wonderful! Love to win the basket. Have a wonderful autumn weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Thmini2 said…
I love your blog and feel like i am with you as you travel! I would love to win that basket. The book looks interesting.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to Rox!
Once again You have made a great give away this week!

I have never tried fagioli but it looks delicious! This is a must do this autumn!

Have a great day now!
Becky said…
I will have to make this soup now that the weather has turned a bit cooler. ANd I'd LOVE to enter your giveaway - I'm all ready a follower.
Texmom said…
Your soup looks yummy. Your family and neighbors are very lucky to have you and your generosity around.

Please enter me in your giveaway.
~*~Aria~*~ said…
The soup looks delicious and the basket is so colorful! Full of autumn goodness :3 I grew up in Amish country and find them very interesting(but not my cup of tea).
Amber said…
This is exactly why I love following you. You always have great recipes! I can't wait to try this one. Thank you so much for sharing these recipes with us! Also, I absolutely love the giveaway. Please count me in on it. My email is attached to my blogger profile.
Judith said…
Pretty! is the basket included? I love the basket!
Sparkless said…
I am loving your autumn posts. The basket looks fantastic. Put my name in for the draw.
That looks delicious! So warm and comforting. And I am already a follower!
Scrap Vamp said…
That soup looks so delicious! It would be great in the colder temps coming with fall! The basket of goodies looks wonderful! I visited an amish general store once and it was so interesting to see all the different product they had there!
BeMistified said…
Mmmm that soup looks absolutely divine. I ♥ the corn and the basket looks fabulous. Glad I was directed to your blog to follow. You make stuff look so num yummy!
nightowl said…
What a wonderful variety of items in the basket.
Now I want to go shopping to get the ingredients for the soup. It looks really delicious.

winit6 at hotmail dot com
Shai Williams said…
That soup looks sooo good. Now I am going to have to go out and buy some ingredients.

Please enter me in your drawing.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much JAZ !
Ok I am toally thinking this soup for on wed. after I am so sick of thanksgiving turkey !!
we are having loively lovely weather for thanksgiving .
I am thankful for Your giveaways !
am I horrid if I keep entering them ?
I especially love the autumn giveaways and the amish mennonite items remind me of my gramma so much . She was a Bowman her parents from from Bowmanville who were actually from PA who were the Baumans or who knows the correct spelling after all the imigration !
appearntly my great grandparents left the area because gramma did not wish to become the community cheese maker and grampa wanted to play his fiddle lol what rebels !
I am going to post when my giveway arrives thanks so so much !
lov rox
Anet said…
I'm going to make this for my boys, they will love it. The perfect fall dish.
I made the salisbury steak for them, it was a big hit:)
The Traveler said…
That is my favorite type of soup! This is going on the list of recipes to try. I swear my husband and kids should send you a thank you card or something =).
~*~Aria~*~ said…
This post inspired me! I'm setting off with your guidelines to try and make my own Pasta Fagioli. Food adventure day go!
Divaeva said…
That basket looks fantastic - I want in! :) The soup looks pretty yummy too!
meeyeehere said…
I love your blog,I come by often just to look at what you got going on.Your blog is my happy place.I wish I lived where you do,it seems so nice.
I would love to win your baskeT!!!!
Thanks for your blog and sharing it with me
Ronda Kisner said…
I think I might just have to make that soup!

Jennifer Rose said…
o.0 rocky road fudge! great looking basket :)
Chris said…
Cheese rinds, who knew...many but me evidently. Learn something new everyday. It is a cold, rainy, gray day here so that soup would be perfect! I'm going to try it when I get some cheese rinds! Yes, I would love to have that basket. Count me in!
Millie said…
That soup does look good. We've been near 90 the last couple of days, so I think I'll wait to make soup for a while.
Carapace said…
Oooh, I've MISSED your blog! I'm so glad now for the archives, because I have got to read about your Amish adventures!

The basket looks lovely-- and so does your blog background! We're still green and growing around here, but I can almost smell the leaves in your posts!

The Captain said…
Even though I don't care for it, I love to say "pasta fagioli!" When they serve it at lunch at work I going around asking people if they had the "pasta fagioli!" just so I can say it! I'm a dork. I'd like to be entered in your drawing, I have always wanted to go to Amish country. Thanks
Aimee Jeffries said…
What a great giveaway! After your last two posts I've been thinking about the Amish and wondering a lot about the "why's and how's" of their way of life, I'd love to read the book. creationsbyaj[at]yahoo[dot]com
What a charming give-away.

And thanks for the inspiration! I have a quart of fresh-made puree waiting to be used ,,, I think I have some beans in the freezer, if not, I have dry one I can get fermenting … I have lots of kale and onion, garlic, pepper and herbs from the garden … and pasta is a staple in this little hut. YUM!!
Cynthia said…
We also love this soup at our favorite italian restaurant. I will definately by trying your recipe. I an originally from Pa. and love all things Amish. In fact, my husband's grandmother comes from Amish stock! Your give aways are always so interesting.
Anonymous said…
The soup looks great! I would like to enter for your Amish Give-away...hope just a comment works as I don't do the follow thing.☺
Anonymous said…
Mmmm, the recipe looks great!
Coach Z said…
Yummy and great giveaways as usual!!
Birgit said…
Why am I getting hungry now?! ;)

Thanks for the chance to win all those goodies as well as this interesting book about Amish culture/religion.

-- Birgit
Char said…
Thank you for the recipe! Looks delicious. Please enter me in your giveaway. I would love to win this.
Renee G said…
Your soup looks absolutely delicious. I'll have to try making this if I can find any kale (perhaps I'll substitute spinach if needed). Anyway, I would love to be entered for the basket as well.
Hi! Please enter me in the giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did the Shepards Pie on Saturday night and boy was it ever a hit! It was so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will also have to try making this soup! I LOVE YOUR RECIPES!
Hi! All our kiddos love soup that has pasta in it, so I'm sure they will love this! Fabulous giveaway... pick me pick me....

Marfi-topia said…
I love the way you cook, the pictures that are taken are so perfect to what you are discribing.
thank you!
Sugar said…
that soup looks sooooo good!
I would love the amish entry!
bison61 said…
the basket looks wonderful. I have never saved cheese rinds and used them in soup, I'll have to try that

tiramisu392 (at)
Unknown said…
You always have the coolest giveaways! I am so in on this one.

I follow on Google Reader
Sorry I'm double dipping here but I made this soup and it's even better than it looks.
Anonymous said…
The soup looks delicious. Perfect for the weather turning crisper as fall arrives.

Enjoying your blog and the detailed cooking instructions. I'm not as handy as you in the kitchen. I need all the extra help I can get!
Cari said…
Just found your blog. What lovely pictures! Thanks for the detailed recipes. Teddy is a real looker.

Kind Regards,
Creepy Glowbugg said…
I am not sure how I missed this wonderful post, but I am in LOVE with that receipe and cannot wait to try it out!
I used to live in Paris, Texas and there was a large Mennonite community there. Wonderful people! I worked at a bank, and they were the most honest and courteous folks to work with.
What a gorgeous basket of goodies!!
Laura said…
What an absolutely delightful blog you have!..and the name too. I love the month of October with the cool temperatures and changing of the seasons. Please enter me in your giveway....

Here is Minnesota the nights have definately cooled off. I will need to try the receipe that you posted here. I looks fabulous...
Anonymous said…
Yum, I never would have thought to add kale...must try this and maybe i'll add some sausage too...will be in the 50's this weekend, perfect time to make this.

Oh and yes, please add me to the give away.

Thank you!!!
CathyH said…
What time is dinner? :)
That soup looks so warm and inviting.
Tournesol said…
Gorgeous basket and the soup looks wonderful, please enter me in the giveaway!