Teddy is on the hunt. Bad kitty smells are everywhere.

Following the scent.

There she goes down over the hill.

The Beauty Berry Bushes are turning purple.

The Oakleaf Hydrangeas are really dry now and I love the sound of them when the breeze blows.

A Teddy grin.

Maybe she has sushi on her mind.

No leaves falling on the lower patio yet.

That will change soon though. In a few weeks it will be covered in leaves.

The mums are blooming.

Deadheading them is quite a job though.

My roses are still blooming. I think I have a micro climate in my lower garden.

Roses blooming everywhere in the Fall seems strange.

Click for a better look but the Fall Flowering Clematis is flowering on the gazebo.

And the Impatiens are doing better than ever in the stream. You can see Irises coming up again too.

It always makes me happy to see who awaits my return from the lower gardens.
Oh hi mama!

Hi my sweet puppy....I am back.

The gardens are still looking lush thanks to recent rains.
that cat drives l'il teddy CRAZY !!!!
LOVE seeing your gardens...so beautiful.....
xoxo to Teddy Autumn Leaves.
Have a great day!
Teddy is so pretty with her new eye lift.
I love the impatients in the stream !!
Have a magical day.