Mediterranean Salad Recipe

It was a gorgeous day on Sunday so we headed north to check out the farm markets to see what we could find.  I found Teddy an organic pig ear.

Do you want to try to take this away from her?

Go ahead..I dare you!  She is standing there looking at me waiting for me to leave so her treat will be safe.

I bought some locust honey.

And the last of the Queen Ann cherries.

I bought a box of tomatoes from a roadside stand.

This morning, I made the shelter a big Mediterranean salad for their lunch.  Dice tomatoes, cucumbers and celery.  Add sliced red onion and sliced green olives.  Sprinkle with a bit of cumin, S&P, granulated garlic and oregano.

Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Sprinkle in about 1 cup of feta cheese.

Toss to coat.  Let it sit for about 15 minutes and toss it again.  This is a really good salad.

I bought lots of zucchini and made them my zucchini casserole.  The recipe for this is on my sidebar.


Locusts make honey? who knew?
Anonymous said…
I've never heard of locust honey, the salad will be well appreciated that I'm sure of, poor Teddy, its so funny because our little guy did the same thing, he didn't want us to know where he buried his treats and half the time he buried them in imaginary dirt!
I'll have to try that casserole, I have so much right now!
Anonymous said…
That salad must be delicious! I must buy vegetables tomorrow on my way home from the hospital.

I used to have a pig farmer as work friend and every time he had slaughtered pigs my dogs got the ears :-) I used to bake them in the oven and my dogs went crazy while waiting for them to be done :-)

Have a great day!
brokenteepee said…
I'm sure they loved that fresh taste of summer
Mack buries his pigs ears and Stella digs them up...

The Mediterranean salad looks soo yum! We are all hanging out for tomatoes to be back in season again.
Nellie said…
Sounds delicious - the Mediterranean salad, that is - not the pig's ear.:-) I'm no competition for Teddy.
Barb said…
Great produce from the markets and No I would not bother Teddy!
JFM said…
I always leave your blog with more knowledge and very hungry!!! Those guys at the shelter eat well because of your kindness and great cooking, Jaz!

That honey looks wonderful but I never heard of it before...see-knowledge :}

jody said…
omg! i bet teddy enjoyed that ear.... and loved being by herself with it! too cute! the honey, tomatoes and salad look soo dang good! im going to take a bit and scroll down and see what else you have been up too! enjoy your evening my blog friend!!
Everything looks yummy (except maybe the pig ear) What time do we eat?
I'm going to join the crowd here and say, I never heard of locust honey either???
PS) Teddy hide that PIG'S EAR they are special indeed.
PH came home loaded with all sorts of fresh fruit this afternoon..
I would love your version of a fresh fruit salad made with summer fruits of grapes etc.
Your salad today sounds wonderful but I am craving fruits.. :)
Teddy reminds me so much of Mele. Mele does the same thing..waits for me to leave so she can get down to the business of devouring her treats. :) Empty life without our dogs!
Locust honey? to me.
Joy said…
I'd also be interested to see how the locust honey taste! Enjoy!
luckybunny said…
You always have amazing recipes I'm adding to my list to try and I love that Teddy, always adorable. Wild about the honey!