Polar Vortex ll

Here it comes again!  Are you ready?
 I still have leaking water from the last polar onslaught.

 Get out to the store and squirrel away lots of food.

 I sure hope this doesn't happen to me.


Guillaume said…
Yes, the frozen toilet is the scariest bit.
Mary Ann said…
Okay... all the pictures are awe-inspiring, but that last one... OUCH. We are dipping down to single digits on Weds. and Thursday nights so I'm getting my warm-water-bucket arm loosened up for duty already.
brokenteepee said…
In our house in NJ, the first one - it had no insulation underneath. In the winter the cats' water bowl would freeze. It got nipper in there.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Guilaume, the frozen toilet is the scariest of them all! I sure hope You won't get any problems with Your pipes again!

Have a great day in the cold!
Nellie said…
We already have a temperature over 50 degrees here today! It's hard to believe that tomorrow's high will not even reach 40, and there is a chance of snow flurries all day! Hope you don't have any extra problems with this next storm.
Dee said…
The pictures are absolutely beautiful. But I am glad I am not there where it is so cold.
Brace yourselves. Winter is coming.
Betty said…
Weather like that is why I like AZ. I hope you stay safe and warm!
Sunnybrook Farm said…
So far no snow here and I would be happy if it stayed that way.
gloriahanaway said…
You can pour rubbing alcohol in the toilet and tank to keep them from freezing. Also, the "Rehab Addict" lady on Facebook has recommended using pink antifreeze to keep toilet and bowl from freezing. Don't let Teddy near it though, it is Poison! Stay safe and warm!
Bird said…
Brrrr..... yep, it's getting super cold here. I'm sorry you still have a leak in the house. That stinks. :(
The ice in the toilet, now that's bad. Hope you all keep warm.
Debby said…
I could tolerate the cold if we didn't have to worry about pipes, heat and water. It sounds like it's going to be around a couple of weeks, oh my. Stay safe and I hope we all survive this round.
NanaDiana said…
Oh- Can you imagine how COLD that place is for the water to freeze in the toilet? Ummm...NOPE-Not ready here and it is coming tonight- ugh...xo Diana
Scary to see frozen water in the toilet. I'm going to sit this Polar Vortex out here in a nice warm house.
Barb said…
Those are amazing pictures! Beautiful but looking very cold! Keep your great soup recipes coming!
Oh good Lord! Someone turn on the heater! Quick!! Um..what's a polar vortex?? Something cold...I know.
Kay said…
Yiiikes! I just heard about it in the news. I wonder if they'll close schools in Chicago again.
Herbalgirl said…
Our winter in southern England has been incredibly mild so far. I know this is a tease and will change soon. While I'd love some snow, I want nothing to do with that polar vortex monster.
Suzanne said…
Sending protection vibes to your pipes! Stay warm!
Laura said…
It's really cold down here in NC. We finally did get a little bit of snow yesterday though. :-)

ps...hugs to Teddy!